Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where Does He Get This Stuff???

Logan is definately our little entertainer! He is always saying funny things and making us laugh! He also has this crazy ability to remember EVERYTHING he sees and hears, which can be somewhat dangerous! For instance, he recognizes lots of signs and when we are driving he will always yell things like, "Home Depot mom!" or "TARGET!!" (this is his favorite!!!) or "Look Mom! Eat Fresh!!! (Subway). He also can identify the ESPN logo anywhere (Hmmm...I wonder why!) He can spot them anywhere too. He is constantly quoting commercials or things he hears on TV. Like he will say, "Coming next on Game Time on ESPN News!" or he says a lot of funny things from PBS since that is about the only channel that I let him watch during the day. We have also been letting him watch a little bit of American Idol now and then and he has started "interviewing" us - He will use anything like a microphone and say "What do you say when you grow up?" (I think he means what do you want to be, but you get the idea...) Anyway...This is all leading to a very funny conversation I had with him this week. I have awful allergies right now and can't stop sneezing. I was sneezing and sneezing and my eyes were watering like crazy and Logan asked "Mom, what is wrong?" I told him that I had bad allergies and just couldn't stop sneezing! His reply was, "Mom, do you need to talk to a Dr about allergy symptoms?" WHAT? Where does he get this stuff? I am still laughing over that one!!!

1 comment:

The Winns said...

That is so funny. Little kids are a riot. It's crazy the stuff they pick up.