Wednesday, March 26, 2008


This is actually a voluntary tag. I have a bunch of friends who had done this recently and thought it looked kind of fun, so here you go...More about me than you probably ever wanted to know!!!

10 years ago: I was in my Jr year of High School. I think it was about Prom time and I was really excited to go! It was also track season - I LOVED running then, although I don't think I could even make it around the track once anymore! (I ran the 800 and the 300 hurdles...) I also enjoyed track a lot because there were boys on the team and I got a great tan!

5 things on my to do list today:
1- Take Logan to his Art Class at Desert Breeze
2- Pick up Rylee's pictures at Target - They turned out so cute!!!
3- Clean my house! I have LOTS of company coming for Rylee's birthday!(This is on my list every day and probably will be forever, because it NEVER gets finished before it gets messed up again...)
4- Go to Physical Therapy - This was not the most fun thing I have ever done...
5- Enrichment

5 Snacks I enjoy:
2- Swedish Fish
3- Cheesecake
4- Anything chocolate, or especially chocolate and peanut butter!
5- Mike and Ike's - I love to eat these when I travel

Places I have lived:
1-Layton UT
2- Logan, UT (Lots of different apartments there!)
3- Las Vegas, NV

5 vacations you've had:
1-Hawaii (twice with my family)
2-Disneyland (a LOT!!! this is our favorite place to go and we have been there a LOT! Since Darren and I have been married, we have been there 5 times!) and Disneyworld
3- New York, Pennsylvania and Massachussetts
4- Church History tour in Missouri and Nauvoo
5- Backpacking Europe! My favorite trip ever with my old roomie Summer!
(Our honeymoon was to Vegas, so it doesn't even seem like a vacation since we now live here!)

What would I do if I were suddenly made a Billionaire:
1- Pay off our student loan
2- Buy a house with a garage and backyard - I am dying to have those things!!!
3- TRAVEL!!! I would love to be able to go do some fun things and take Darren some really fun places! Especially the trip to Chile he has wanted forever!
4- Buy Darren's practice with all the stuff he wants in it
5- Buy the present I wanted to get Rylee for her birthday but couldn't justify.
6- Buy new furniture - our house looks a little like a college dorm! I would also redecorate our house.
7- Get some clothes that aren't 5 years old or for being pregnant
8- Help out family and donate some money to good charities and the church.
9-Invest and make sure that we have plenty of money for retirement, college, weddings, and FUN!
10-Buy a really sweet camera!
11-Get a cabin at Bear Lake for our family

5 jobs I have had:

1- My first job was an official for youth Sports. I started as an offical (referee/umpire) and then got to be a scorekeeper (this is better because you don't get yelled at as much!)and finally got to be a supervisor. this was probably my favorite job ever because I got to sit in my lawn chair and watch baseball and work on my tan!

2- I worked at a dry cleaners

3- I worked for the Utah State Phonathon all during College - This is probably why I am very sympathetic to telemarketers.
4- EFY Counselor - this was a really fun job!
5- Staff Accountant at the Las Vegas Hilton
(I can think of about 5 others, but I think those are the most interesting....)

5 Things you didn't know about me:
1- I love to play the piano (although I never get to anymore...I can't remember the last time I got to actually sit down and play...) and I used to play the flute in high school.
2- I really like to teach at church, but for some reason, I can't speak in Sacrament Meeting! The 1st time I tried, I passed out and the 2nd time I tried, I threw up at the podium! I haven't tried again since, but I am a little nervous they are going to ask us when we move... I also have more embarrassing moments than anyone should have in a lifetime!
3- I have been bungee jumping before!
4- I am not only a True Aggie, but I am an Ultimate Aggie!
5- I would someday like to own a reception center and plan weddings and events. Wierd but I really like to plan that kind of stuff! Darren and I each have a list of things to do before we die and this is one of the things on mine...I also would love to go see Oprah and a bunch of other things...My list is really long! Maybe I will post it someday!
If you feel inspired, then you are tagged, too!

1 comment:

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I am almost afraid to ask, but what do you do to become an ultimate Aggie?