Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our Silly Little Boy!

This is one of my favorite recent photos of Logan. I don't know why - I just think it really captures his personality! Since I posted a bunch of photos of Rylee, I thought I'd also include some random recent ones of Logan! He is such a funny kid and always has us laughing! He says the funniest things and has so much personality already! The other day, I was putting him down for a nap and he said, "Have you thought about this Mom? Are you sure?" The things that come out of his mouth totally amaze me!!! He is really developing a very active imagination and is always pretending to be something - a pirate, a dinosaur, a dog - It is quite entertaining! Some of his latest favorite things include: Peter Pan, pirates, Lightning McQueen, playing games (he loves to get out all of our board games - His favorites are Jenga and Life - They make quite a mess!), Sports Class, jumping on the bed, Christmas music and TV Specials, Buzz Lightyear and Zurg and lots of other exciting boy things!
In this picture, Logan insisted on wearing his hoodie with the hood up and a beanie. He is a very busy kid and is always on the go and doing something adventurous - including climbing and jumping on every piece of furniture in the house. He is definitely ALL boy! As busy as he is though, he is also quite the cuddler and loves for us to snuggle with him. He is also a great big brother! Here are some of Logan's latest antics!
We made this turkey for FHE. Each feather had something Logan was thankful for - He LOVED it! The feathers said: family, Rylee, Mom, Dad, Home, Sports, Nursery (He loves going there!), food and a couple other of his favorite things!
What a pose! I thought it was so funny that he fell asleep this way!
A sick day cuddled up on the couch. When he is not feeling good or when he watches movies, he loves to have his blankie and pillow and a stuffed animal on the couch.
Logan loves to sleep cuddled up to one of his stuffed toys - I thought he and Buzz looked very cute!
He is obsessed with the cones in his Sports class - He loves to play with them. He was putting them on his head and saying "Drop! Go!" That is from Toy Story 2 - He is always quoting movies and books to us!
Now the cones are binoculars - He is looking for pirate treasure - another obsession of his!
I thought he looked so funny in the combination of clothes he put together - his rolled up PJs, Woody hat, Buzz sweatshirt and long socks!
He got these socks out of my closet and decided they made nice gloves and wanted to build a snowman - I don't know where you could do that in Vegas!
Logan loves playing in the tub! He gets very silly in there and the other day he told me to "Prepare the cannons!" and "Hoist Anchor!" - More pirate stuff!

The other day I made Logan this fort and he loved playing in it! First, he was King Logan and this was his "beautiful castle". Then he was a dinosaur, then it was a Rocket ship! It was good, cheap entertainment for us!

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