Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Season of Thanks!

I know that Thanksgiving was quite awhile ago, but I have really gotten behind on this blogging thing! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wanted to include some photos on our page, even if they are a bit outdated. We spent Thanksgiving in Utah. We had dinner with the Webber side of the family - 31 of us! - and it was a lot of fun! We were also able to spend time with my family and we loved being able to spend such a wonderful time with all our extended family. I felt so grateful for all of the blessings that we have been given and the greatest of those is each other!

I love my kids and my wonderful husband so much and feel so blessed to be in their family! We have also been blessed with extended family that does so much for us and who we love to be around and also have great friends! We also found out during our trip to Utah that Darren has a really great job opportunity in Cache Valley - the place that we would really like to live. We are still waiting for a lot of things to be finalized, but it looks like everything is going to work out so great! Heavenly Father has blessed us much! We are so THANKful!

Rylee dressed and ready for Thanksgiving dinner
My cute kiddos
Dinner at the Webber's - This was the crazy end of the table with all the nephews. Spencer, Taylor, Parker and Ryan
Some of the cute girl cousins - Chloee, Cambree, Katey and Lauren
Logan chowing down on dinner

Rylee actually slept through dinner, which was nice for mom to get to eat. Here are the 3 little babies. They are growing up so much! It is fun to have cousins so close in age. Rylee, Hayden and Liam.
Rylee poking out Hayden's eyes...
Rylee having her dinner a little later. Rice cereal!!! Yummy!

Our family - I love these blessings!!!

While we were there, my Uncle Ric got married! It was great to be able to be there for the ceremony and all the celebrations. We love Joan and are so excited to have her as part of our family and love seeing how happy she makes Uncle Ric.
My cousin Rikki was in town for the wedding with her cute girls, Bella and Maddie. It was fun to watch the girls together. They loved Rylee.
Rylee getting Uncle Kyle
Logan and Daddy hanging out at the reception
Mommy and Rylee
The kids with their uncles before we left to go back to Vegas. Rylee doesn't like anyone but Mom. Or maybe she was just sad to leave!
Logan had a great time playing with his uncles and he will miss them.

Logan and Aunt Vanessa - And Uncle Kyle photo bombing...
Grandpa and Logan - Grandpa is always crazy with Logan!

Grandma, Logan, Rylee and Mom
Mom, Rylee and Grandpa
Mom, Rylee, Grandpa and Logan

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