Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lookin' Good in All She Eats!

I think Rylee must be the messiest eater on the planet! She is ALWAYS covered in food! She always manages to get whatever she is eating EVERYWHERE - in her hair, in her eyelashes, all over her face and even occasionally up her nose! I seem to have SO many pictures of her covered in baby food that I thought I'd post a few. The picture above is green beans and the one below is peas - don't they look yummy?She has started to be a little difficult to feed lately - She doesn't like to have anybody feed her much and isn't too into using a spoon which makes things even harder. And her favorite game is peek a boo and she loves to take her bib off and play peek-a-boo with it and smear her food all over even more! I thought girls were supposed to be so neat and clean - but she sure looks cute all covered in food in all different colors!

Rylee in Rice Cereal...

...And Carrots!

Spaghetti isn't nearly as messy!!!

Playing Peek-A-Boo with her bib

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