Sunday, December 23, 2007

Rylee's 8 Month Photos

These are pictures of Rylee at 8 months. They are a little outdated since we have already done 9 month pictures, but I wanted to include them anyway. The studio ones are from Sears, which isn't my favorite place for photos I found out. I had a coupon, so I decided to try them, but she was not too happy and they didn't try very hard. But a few of them turned out pretty cute.
The others are from just outside our condo. I tried to get some of her standing by the tree I photographed her sitting by not too long ago - I like to get milestones like that, even if it is a little silly. However, now that she is moving around, she is much harder to photograph! She hardly ever stays still! We did get a few good ones though. She is getting big way too fast! Isn't she a cutie? We love our little Princess!

The grass was a big distraction for her...

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