Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tiny Tot Sports

Logan just completed his first session of Tiny Tot Sports Class this week and he LOVED it! He had a great time. The class is at the community recreation center close to our house and is twice a week and they do all sorts of different sports activities - Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Gymnastics, T-Ball, Kickball and other fun things. Logan talks about it all the time and it is totally the highlight of his week. The coach (Coach Wendy) is so good with the kids and has them run and stretch out at the start of every class. They even have water breaks. At the end of each class, they also huddle up and give a little cheer. It is so cute! Logan had a great time since he is such a sports enthusiast - It was just hard to keep him focused sometimes. He just wanted to be out running around or chasing balls and didn't always want to stay put, but he is learning. They started out learning one sport at a time and changed to a new one each week. Logan LOVES soccer! I think he has practiced a few times with his dad.
Scoring goals!
Trying some hockey. He was actually really good with the stick and had a lot of fun with this. I don't think he had ever tried hockey before.
Shooting hoops.
He thought this cone made a fun hat!

Rylee also likes going - She is Logan's biggest fan and loves watching all the kids. She even got to crawl around on the gymnastic mats the other day and she had so much fun. She also likes to crawl around and chase balls around the gym. It definitely keeps them both very entertained! Rylee crawling on the gymnastics mats.

The last 2 classes were Logan's favorites - One was gymnastics and one was a review day. The gymnastics day was a whole bunch of mats set up like an obstacle course. Logan loved running and jumping off of everything - Before each jump, he would say "To Infinity and Beyond!!!" and spread his arms like Buzz Lightyear. He had a great time. He never wanted to leave!
Logan doing his best Buzz Lightyear "To infinity....AND BEYOND!!!"
Walking on the beam

On the last day, the coach set up a station for each activity and they could go from one to another and play whatever they wanted. Darren was able to go with us because he was off of school for Christmas and Logan loved showing him everything he had learned. He kicked soccer goals, hit the ball and ran the bases, shot hoops and dribbled the basketball, hit the hockey puck and played with the parachute, the mats and the scooter boards. He LOVED it - He loved sports class so much, we are signed up for another session!!!
Logan thought these were binoculars.
Showing off his hockey skills.

GOOOOAAAAL!!! Rylee was such a good little baby to watch.
Shooting on the BIG basket!
Trying out the scooter boards with Daddy
Giving one last cheer...

1 comment:

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Brooke, very cute. Don't you just love those programs at Desert Breeze. I have always been very impressed and happy with anything we have done there. I need to sign Diana up for dance or gymnastics again since she is not doing soccer. The best thing is the price, I think you get much more than you pay for. Have a merry christmas and safe travels.