Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Traditions

I LOVE Christmas time! It is definitely the most wonderful time of the year! We had such a great time this year celebrating the holidays. I love everything about Christmas, but I especially love the special traditions and all the time that we spend together. We have lots of traditions in our little family and are still establishing others. Some things we love to do are watch all the Christmas specials that come on TV, read Christmas stories and listen to lots of Christmas music! It has been so fun now that Logan is understanding more to see him also get excited about it and to hear him sing the Christmas songs and curl up on the couch to watch the Christmas specials. He really enjoys them too - although maybe not as much as me. He is so funny about singing Christmas songs - He is always humming or singing one and we are constantly amazed by how many words and songs he actually knows! His favorites are Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph and "Police Navinah" (or Feliz Navidad!)
Here are some photos of some of our favorite traditions that we use to celebrate Christmas in the Webber family!

I love putting up the Christmas decorations! I didn't put them all up this year since we didn't spend too much time at home, but I insisted on putting up the tree. It just doesn't feel like Christmas without it and Logan loved putting the ornaments on the tree. We all get an ornament each year, which is a tradition we started in my own family when I was small. All our ornaments were from Disneyland this year since we made 2 trips there - The family ornament was a little castle, Logan's was a Mickey playing soccer and Rylee's was a Minnie 1st Christmas ornament. Logan loved his ornament and Rylee LOVED the lights on the tree and would just stare at them. Somehow, our tree survived both of them! I was also so excited to FINALLY hang our stockings! I have been working on these stockings for a long time - They are one of those never ending projects. The bad part is that I now need to make another one for Rylee to match, so the project really hasn't ended, but at least I had some to finally hang that were finished before Christmas! I am hoping to have Rylee's finished at least before we put the Christmas decorations away so I don't have to scramble to make one next year, but we'll see!

One tradition that we have had since we moved to Las Vegas 3 years ago is to attend the Live Nativity that one of the Stakes does here. It is so awesome and can really get you into the true Spirit of Christmas. It is so well done and has such beautiful music and tells the story of Christ's birth so beautifully. With all the live animals and lights and music, the kids even paid attention the whole time and really enjoyed it- Logan asked Darren if the soldiers were the Lamanites which we thought was so funny! Rylee was also screaming along to the music - It was a happy scream, but I'm not sure if the people in front of us were so happy about it! After the performance, the kids are able to go and see the baby Jesus and also pet the animals used in the play - Logan loved being able to pet the goats, chicken, horses and donkey! This is a tradition that we will really miss when we move away from Vegas. We might even have to make a trip back each year. We went with our friends, the Whites, and Jen had just gotten a new camera, so she took lots of neat pictures of everything. Here are a few.Logan and Daddy waiting for it to startRylee and MommyOur famThe Nativity scene
Afterwards, we met some of the live animals - Logan loved the horse!
Rylee looked so cute all bundled up
Daddy and his buddy Sandy both holding their babies, Rylee and NatalieOur fam at the manager scene
The White Family
Logan and his buddy Natalie

We also LOVE to make lots of Hot chocolate during the holidays. We have a Hot Chocolate machine and it makes the most perfect hot chocolate. It sometimes seems a little silly since we live in the middle of the desert, but it feels more Christmas-y that way! Sometimes it is hard to get into the holidays when it is 60 or 70 degrees and there are palm trees everywhere - It just doesn't seem like Christmas time, especially since we grew up in Utah and are accustomed to a White Christmas. I think it is so fun to get the kids all bundled up when we have the chance. They look so cute in their little coats and hats. We don't get to do it too much in Vegas, but every once in awhile it is cold enough to break out the winter gear. These are pictures of Logan and Rylee all bundled up - Aren't they the cutest?

I also LOVE to make Christmas crafts and treats. This year I didn't get much time to do that since Darren was studying for boards, but I did make a few cheeseballs that were pretty yummy and we went to a little play group where Logan was able to frost some Christmas cookies. He had a great time, although he made quite a mess with the sprinkles! We never got to make a Gingerbread house this year, which is kind of a bummer, but maybe next year!!!

We also LOVE going to look at Christmas lights. It is something that I have always loved since I was a little girl and now I love that my kids love it, too. One place we found that is fun to go to in Vegas is the Ethel M Chocolate Factory. This place is so great - They have a big cactus garden all decked out in lights. Rylee was SO amazed by the lights - She was so bundled up and then so mesmerized, I don't think she really moved the whole time.
Then we also took the little tour of the factory and got a chocolate, which made it even better. The only downside was that we went on Thursday and found out that Santa is only there on the weekends. Logan was a little bummed but we took a few photos sitting in his chair.
I also love getting the kids dressed up in their special Christmas clothes for the holidays. I got them cute little outfits that match this year and thought they looked so cute together and couldn't wait for them to wear them to church. Here are some pictures of them in front of the Christmas tree all decked out in their Christmas clothes!

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