Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bronson at 10 Months

TEN Months!!!  

Some things about Bronson at 10 Months old.  We sure love this little man!  

Bron's 4th tooth popped through - Feb 1st (top front his left)
Bronson is climbing up the stairs like crazy!  He is getting really good at it and has started to figure out going down.  
When I was taking his pics on the stairs for valentine's day, he figured out how to slide his little bum to the edge of the stair and then put his toes on the next stair and scoot down.  So funny!

Loves to give noggins and is starting to do a little bit of open mouth, really slobbery kisses
Bron had his first ear infection - He started sleeping through the night and did it for about 4 or 5 nights in a row and then I think the ear infection ruined it all!  Is starting to do better again though
Puts himself down at night - You read him a story or 2, sing him a song and put him in his crib with a soft blankie and he will usually go down on his own.  We discovered this when I had to be at the church for basketball and Darren was busy with the other kids and he wasn't quite asleep.  I just laid him down and he cried for about 5 minutes and before Darren could get in there, he was asleep.  We tried it again the next night and he hardly cried at all and by night 4, he didn't make a peep!  Then he got sick and it didn't work as well...
If he is having a hard time going down, bouncing the crib mattress works wonders!  The kid loves to be bounced!

1st Valentines Day
Loves to feed himself and doesn't love to be fed.  he seems to be a bit more of a picky eater already than my other kids.  He really didn't like to be fed at all when he had his ear infection.  He prefers anything with sweet potatoes in it and he LOVE, LOVES yogurt!  He eats it so fast.  he also seems to like the chicken noodle dinners and the macaroni and cheese dinners.  He likes his puffs and his yogurt melts, but if you give him both, he will pick out all the yogurt melts first.  he has definite preferences.  And he still doens't like any food with rice cereal or oatmeal in it. 

Loves to be in the toy room and just go and explore on his own without any one bothering him.  He is so happy up there and just talks and babbles to himself.  he loves to throw and chase balls
He loves to play the I drop it you pick it up game ...  over and over
loves to look at books - especially the touch and feel kind

Has the cutest little squeal when he is excited
pulls up to everything - even the wall!  Cruses along the furniture really well and can stand for just a second on his own and lower himself without falling

Loves to put everything straight into his mouth and gets SO upset when you take anything away from him!  He gets REALLY mad!
Says Da, Da, Da for everything! 
Still a bit of a momma's boy - especially when he is tired. but he is doing better with other people. 

Gets into everything - Loves to get into the tupperware, loves to unroll the TP in the bathrooms
Loves to find the kids' leftovers on the floor - especially sweets and loves when we give him a taste of our food
His little arms are always going up and down when he is excited!

Tries to throw the ball and sometimes it takes him a couple tries to let go.  So cute! 
Loves his sisters and doesn't mind them toting him around even though they are so crazy with him and give me a heartattack!
2 naps a day - around 10 and then around 2 or 3 - usually between an hour or 2
flipped himself out of his crib after his nap (or was that last month)?

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