Tuesday, May 11, 2010

surprise "stay-cation", part 2

Our fun mini vacation continued on Saturday (Mar 13). We got up and went to the breakfast buffet at Little America. AMAZING!!! The food was awesome! There was a whole table of fruit, yummy crepes, waffles, build your own omelets...everything you would want! It was the best food and we stuffed ourselves!
Rylee and Daddy
Logan, me and Avery
Logan with a banana hat! Silly boy!!!
Avery blowing bubbles
Avery tried out a high chair for the first time. It didn't last very long.
Rylee ate lots of breakfast. She loves fruit!
After breakfast, we headed back to the pool before we had to check out. The kids had a ball! Avery fell asleep before we left, so I stayed out while she napped by the pool. Rylee loves jumping into the pool!
Logan loves to swim
Ry is getting much better at swimming

Logan loves to put his face in the water and swim.

It was snowing and raining outside, but the water was so warm, the kids didn't mind at all. They thought it was so fun to swim in the rain outside.
Logan taking a ride on Daddy. The kids love this!
Rylee walking with daddy.

Our plan for the day was to go to the zoo, but the snow kind of ruined that plan! We ended up trying the Children's Museum at the Gateway and the kids had a great time. Logan really loved this big beehive thing with lots of balls. He could have stayed there all day. I actually lost him for a little while later in the day, and found him here. Little stinker scared me so bad, but I should have known that is where he would be!
Rylee and Daddy had lots of fun putting the balls into this and watching them go

Logan also really liked this construction zone and building with these big foam blocks.He helped some bigger girl build a huge tower. Most of the downstairs was different places for the kids to role play and they really loved it. It was so fun for them!
Rylee loved the house, of course, and playing with babies.
Rylee's favorite thing was Shopping in the store! She loved it! She just kept going back over and over and loading her little shopping basket.

All 3 kids in a little car - It was pretty hard to get them all in one place because they were having fun in different places and were all over the place.

Ry loading up her arms shopping - This just made me laugh! She was just scooping up arm fulls of stuff over and over and kept dropping stuff and then picking it up again. It was pretty entertaining to watch.

We registered the kids for a little bubble painting class. They loved it, but I had no idea it would be so messy! They gave them these smocks to wear, which helped a little, but they still managed to get paint everywhere - especially Ry! She always seems to find a mess. As soon as we sat down, she got this big ring of paint on her eye.
Logan blowing bubbles in his paint.

Here is the little mask he made with his bubble paint
It took Rylee awhile to figure this whole thing out, but she finally got hers going. She did get paint all over me and my camera during this process though.
Ry with her mask - When she held it up the first time, she put the painted side against her face and got more paint on her.
Rylee and her cute paint face! Sadly, we left the masks on a rack to dry and forgot to pick them up when we left. Oops!
After painting, Rylee found a little treehouse with a little couch and some books and she was in heaven.
She even made a new friend
Avery was there, too. She was such a good baby and just hung out so Logan and Rylee could enjoy playing
Logan posing on a horse
Avery trying out the horse. She looks so tiny up there!
Rylee is back to grocery shopping. She was putting all the vegtables in this garden area and was so funny about how she was loading them all in there. It was making me laugh. She loves to line things up and has to have things just so.

What a cute little shopper!
Logan tried the rock wall and did pretty well

The kids also loved playing in the water. It was really crowded at the museum that day - It was a Saturday, plus there was a parade for St Patrick's day downtown earlier that day, so there were a lot of people and they all seemed to be around the water so it was hard to get a turn.

We went upstairs for a little bit, but there wasn't too much up there my kids were into and we were tired so we didn't stay too long! Rylee LOVED this magnetic paper doll. She lined up all the clothes in a big line and I loved it! It was so Rylee! She also loved playing with the building magnets or "maggots" as Rylee calls them.

Logan's favorite thing upstairs was the helicopter! He couldn't believe that he could get into a real helicopter - He thought it was so cool!
Rylee had fun in the helicopter, too!

After the museum, we headed to a St Patty's get together with some friends in Salt Lake. A bunch of Darren's high school friends are starting to get together once a month and we were able to make it since we were down there. I don't have any pictures, but we had a great time and some yummy corned beef and lots of other good food. It was so fun to see everyone!
After the party, we headed to my parent's for a sleepover. The kids were so glad that there was a sleepover at Grandma's somewhere in the surprises! Every time we went somewhere new, we would tell them it was another surprise and wouldn't tell them where it was and every time, they were a little disappointed it wasn't Grandma's, so it was a good thing we had that planned! My sister had a special early birthday present for Rylee. Heather is so funny - If she gets something for someone, she can't wait to give it to them! She made these tutus for the girls for Rylee's birthday but she HAD to give it to her, even though her birthday was still 2 weeks away.
Here is Rylee modeling her new tutu! Isn't this so cute??? Thanks Aunt Heather!
Even though it wasn't Avery's birthday, Heather made one for her, too. How cute!
Rylee doing some ballerina spins in her new tutu
Twinner tutus! Its so fun to dress them the same! At least for now. I'm sure they will get tired of it soon, so I'm taking advantage of it while I can.

Sunday, we went to church with my family and then went to my Grandma's birthday party. It was fun to see my cousins that we rarely see and celebrate with my Grandma. I think all of us were actually there, besides my cousin Jacob who is serving a mission. That doesn't happen often so we took a family picture. This is a pretty amazing group when my Grandma had only 3 kids! My kids had a blast at Great-Grandma's. They loved running around her backyard and playing on the swings and getting dirty and Logan was having a great time with her old school Nintendo and Duck Hunt. We couldn't get him out of there! Rylee was hiding all of my Grandma's little yard animals. She had them all lined up on the stairs, but when she would turn away, my sister's boyfriend would go hide another one, so she could never get them all together and she was so frustrated. It was hilarious to watch her discover another one was missing! We were all having a good time watching her. The kids were SO sad when it was time to go home. Logan kept asking for "just one more surprise". It was a fun weekend and a needed getaway! I love spending time with my hubby and cute kids and having fun little adventures together.

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