Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lamanites and Diet Pepsi

Darren and Logan had a pretty funny conversation the other day. A little background info - My kids don't like soda. I think it is the carbonation, but they really don't like it. They insist on taking a drink every once in awhile and the face they pull is so funny. Logan saw something on one of his shows the other day about how it is bad for you, and since then every time Darren drinks a Diet Pepsi, the kids tell him that he shouldn't drink it. This is pretty frequent because Darren is quite a Diet Pepsi addict. I have never been a pop drinker, so I don't really understand it - especially since we will have multiple 12 packs at home and we will have to stop for a fountain Diet Pepsi, because apparently they taste different. It is just something I don't get! It is so bad that anytime we get in the car to go somewhere, the kids ask if we can go to Happy Hour. (If you don't know, Sonic has 1/2 price drinks between 2 and 4 pm. Darren likes to get a Diet Pepsi and the kids get slushes. If we aren't going, Rylee will say "did we missded Happy Hour?"). Anyway - The kids have been hounding Darren to quit drinking it for quite awhile now and it is pretty funny! The other morning Logan came downstairs and was looking pretty groggy, but was talking to Darren on the couch before he left for work.
This was their conversation:
Logan: Dad, I know that Heavenly Father watches over me.
Darren: Yeah, that is right buddy.
Logan: Dad, I also know that Heavenly Father doesn't want you to drink Diet Pepsi.
Darren: Ok buddy
Logan: Dad, Lamanites drink Diet Pepsi

1 comment:

Julie and Matt said...

That is so funny! Out of the mouthes of babes. Logan is adorable. In sunbeams the other week we were talking about healthy foods an drinks. When we started talking about how go it is for us to drink water, Logan said, "My dad doesn't drink water. He drinks Diet Pepsi."