Friday, November 20, 2009

Beautiful Baby!

I had Avery's one month photos done recently and they are some of my favorite pictures EVER!!! (This is saying a lot since I have pictures done a lot!) They turned out so great and I LOVE them! I started this terrible thing with Logan when he was a baby that I took him to get pictures every month. I love doing it, but it is probably a little much! It has been kind of hard to keep up on, but it is so fun to see how much they change. When Rylee was born, a friend of mine did some amazing newborn photos for me, so I wanted some great newborn ones for Avery, too. So instead of just going to Penny's or Target like I usually do, I had a photographer come and take them at our house. I am so glad that I did and that I called the photographer I did - She was amazing! She was laying on my dirty floor taking pictures and was at our house for almost 3 hours and was so fabulous with Avery! She got some great shots and I was so happy with her - if anyone is looking for a good photographer, let me know! I highly recommend her!!! She was totally affordable and I got the CD with all the images on it, so I didn't have to choose, which would have been impossible with these! These are some of her best shots...they were all so great! I am so excited to get these hung up on my walls!

This one is my VERY favorite!!! Isn't it amazing? I LOVE it!!! I want to get a big canvas of this one for my wall!
I love those baby eyes!
Look at those lashes!
Baby bums are too cute! My brother asked if she had any clothes after seeing these pictures! haha!

This is my favorite one from above, but in black and white. I like it like this, too.

She even caught her smiling!

This was when we were trying to squeeze in just one last shot and Avery was done! I think this was the only time she really cried during the whole photo shoot, so that was a pretty successful photo shoot.
After seeing these cool photos, Darren suggested that we have the photographer take pictures of Logan and Rylee. I don't think that he has ever had to suggest photos to me before! So, the next week, she took pictures of them and I LOVE them just as much! They will be coming soon....


Julie and Matt said...

She is beautiful! What great pictures. Who is your photographer?

Unknown said...

Your kids are so beautiful. They have the most beautiful eyes. I love these pictures.

Brooke :) said...

absolutely beautiful! :)

Jami said...

She is so precious. I still can't believe all of that dark hair.

Clark Family said...

These are so beautiful!!!