Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 years...

Here is a post that is actually current!!! That is something new for me!

On this day, two years ago today at 7:39 am, our little Princess, Rylee, was born and our lives were forever changed! I can't believe that my baby girl is now 2!!! I am working on a post of all the things she can do at 2 and what a BIG girl she is now and all the things we love about her, but for this post, I wanted to take a little flashback of my baby girl! It seems like not that long ago I was holding her for the first time!
Brand new baby Rylee weighing in at 7 lbs and 7 oz and 19 1/2 inches long Here is some of what I wrote in my journal the first time I got to meet Rylee, a few hours after my C-section:
"Darren was such a cute little daddy. He was so excited about her and how pretty she was and all her hair. When I met Rylee , she was so wide awake and alert and checking everything out. She had such big, beautiful eyes - She was perfect! She has the cutest round face and big eyes and a perfect little nose and the cutest, pouty mouth. She has long eyelashes and I can't believe how much hair...tons and tons of dark hair!"

Our first family photo with our new addition!
Isn't this the most proud and excited brother you have ever seen???Only a few days home for the hospital and already smiling!!! My good friend in Vegas took these for me when Rylee was about 2 weeks and 1 month old (It took 2 sessions!!!) They are some of my most special pictures - I love them! Isn't she a beautiful baby???

Growing up too fast - This picture is one of my favorites when she was 5 months old

At one, Rylee still seemed like a baby to me, but now she is quickly becoming a toddler (and sometimes seems to be on the fast track to teenager!) These are her 1st Birthday pictures from last year. I can't believe how much she has grown!

We love our baby Rylee! And even though she is growing up much too quickly, she will always be our baby girl! We love her smiles and laughs!!!

Happy Birthday Baby girl!!! We are so glad that you are a part of our family and you make us all so happy. We love you so much!


Erica said...

I can't believe how big she looks. I feel like I haven't seen her in a year. Oh, wait I haven't!! I'm so excited for you guys that you bought a house and that everything is going good for you. Can't wait to see pics of it.

Karmann said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLEE!!! Gosh I cant believe two years have come and gone! I remember holding her in the hospital and look at her now! Even more beautiful! You have such a darling family and you are such a good mom! I hope to be like you someday! love you!!!

Congrats on the house too!! I am so happy for the both of you!!!

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Rylee, you are so adorable!!! Congrats to you guys on the house and the baby!

Clark Family said...

She's so grown up!!

Doug and Dawn said...

Love the pictures. She is such a cutie!

Jami said...

She is beautiful! I cannot believe she is already 2. It goes way to fast. Happy Birthdat!

Julie and Matt said...

I can't believe she is 2! She is so beautiful. Congrats on buying a house. I'm so glad we are both moving to Hyde Park. We will be on 635 south 100 west. We would love to get together to play soon. when do you have time this week?

Jenn said...

man she's a gorgeous little girl. I can't get over those newborn pix. What a doll!