Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 years...

Here is a post that is actually current!!! That is something new for me!

On this day, two years ago today at 7:39 am, our little Princess, Rylee, was born and our lives were forever changed! I can't believe that my baby girl is now 2!!! I am working on a post of all the things she can do at 2 and what a BIG girl she is now and all the things we love about her, but for this post, I wanted to take a little flashback of my baby girl! It seems like not that long ago I was holding her for the first time!
Brand new baby Rylee weighing in at 7 lbs and 7 oz and 19 1/2 inches long Here is some of what I wrote in my journal the first time I got to meet Rylee, a few hours after my C-section:
"Darren was such a cute little daddy. He was so excited about her and how pretty she was and all her hair. When I met Rylee , she was so wide awake and alert and checking everything out. She had such big, beautiful eyes - She was perfect! She has the cutest round face and big eyes and a perfect little nose and the cutest, pouty mouth. She has long eyelashes and I can't believe how much hair...tons and tons of dark hair!"

Our first family photo with our new addition!
Isn't this the most proud and excited brother you have ever seen???Only a few days home for the hospital and already smiling!!! My good friend in Vegas took these for me when Rylee was about 2 weeks and 1 month old (It took 2 sessions!!!) They are some of my most special pictures - I love them! Isn't she a beautiful baby???

Growing up too fast - This picture is one of my favorites when she was 5 months old

At one, Rylee still seemed like a baby to me, but now she is quickly becoming a toddler (and sometimes seems to be on the fast track to teenager!) These are her 1st Birthday pictures from last year. I can't believe how much she has grown!

We love our baby Rylee! And even though she is growing up much too quickly, she will always be our baby girl! We love her smiles and laughs!!!

Happy Birthday Baby girl!!! We are so glad that you are a part of our family and you make us all so happy. We love you so much!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Treehouse

In February, we also took a little trip to the Children's Treehouse Museum in Ogden to meet up with our friends Jenn and Drew for Drew's 3rd birthday. The kids had a great time and it was a fun day! It was great to see them since they live pretty far away and we don't see them too often. My kids also love any excuse for a fun outing - especially if a birthday is involved! My kids always like trying out all the instruments in the music room!
Rylee found a little person rocking chair - She always loves any kind of little chair or bench and has to sit in them! It is a little funny!Rylee climbing through a tunnel over and over again - The kids were pretty bummed that the tree slide was closed, but they had fun doing lots of other things. Logan and Drew had a great time at this train tableLogan and Rylee driving trainsLogan doing some climbingDriving the firetruck!Rylee really liked playing in the firetruckMy little Firegirl! I couldn't get Logan to hold still long enough to try this on and take his picture. He had a lot of fun running from exhibit to exhibit. Rylee is always up for some dress-ups and a picture though.Logan at the dinosaur exhibit. This is right about when I decided we needed a potty break....Can you tell???Drew really liked playing with the dinosaurs!Rylee wasn't as in to the dinos as the boys...Logan LOVED looking into this HUGE Magnifying glass. He thought it was so cool!My little scientist!
I think this was Rylee's very favorite part of the museum! It was like the nursery at the hospital and Rylee went from bassinet to bassinet taking care of all three babies - feeding them bottles, wrapping them in blankets, burping them - It was so cute! She could have stayed there all day!
Nurse Rylee hard at work!
Can you tell his Daddy is a dentist? He is really into oral hygiene!
Rylee and Drew having a tea party - She loved this, too!!!Rylee attempting to ride this horseLogan playing pirates on this little ship
My camera died before we finished, but we had a lot of fun on our day at the Treehouse! Afterwards, we headed over to Iggy's for a yummy birthday lunch with Drew and Jenn. The kids did pretty well and we survived! Logan was also excited to give Drew his present - some golf clubs and a car! (Logan picked it out himself!) Thanks again Jenn and Drew! It was fun - Let's meet again soon!

A Quick Trip

In February, we made a really quick trip to Vegas! (February 19-22) Our good friends, the White family, had some really good tickets to the UNLV-BYU game and had invited Darren along to go. We weren't sure if it was going to work out, but it did and we ended up making the quick weekend trip! The day before we left, we were at the Dr with the kids, who were just getting over croup and also had ear infections (Rylee had a double one and Logan's was really bad! I am terrible about taking my kids to the Dr and felt like mom of the year when I took them and found out how sick they were and had been...) Anyway, the Dr said that they should be fine to travel, and so we set off the next afternoon for Vegas. The drive down was GREAT! I put Logan in a pull-up because I was worried he would fall asleep and he would have an accident, or we wouldn't be able to stop in time, and he would have to ride to Vegas in a wet carseat. We made it all the way from Logan to Cedar City and stopped for dinner. I was SURE that Logan had decided to just go in his Pull-Up since we hadn't stopped at all, but he was totally dry and then made it all the way to Vegas! I was so proud of him!!! He did the same thing on the way home - It is great to have a good traveler!

We got in late Thursday night and it was so fun to see the White's! The kids were SO excited we didn't get them to bed until almost midnight our time. They are so nice to let us crash their house and we always have fun there! Friday, Darren spent the day golfing with Sandy while I hung out at the house with Jen. The kids had a great time in the back yard, enjoying the warm weather and I was also able to see my good friend, Pat, so that was fun. Rylee did take a spill on the concrete and still has a little bit of a scar on her chin to prove it! She told everyone for the longest time about her owie! The boys finished about lunchtime so we all went to one of our favorite places to eat for lunch - The Claimjumper...Mmmm.!!!! Afterwards, we let the kids play at the playground at Town Square. They love that place!!! It is one of the cutest playgrounds I have ever been to!
Rylee slept for the first while and Darren had the camera. He always makes fun of how many pictures I take, but I think he took just as many! Maybe he is learning from me...
Logan peeking through the rope bridge at the fort!

Logan's very favorite thing was this little maze! He loved running around and hiding in there and playing hide and seek with dad!
When Rylee woke up, she liked the maze, too!
Rylee loves "hanging" from anything! She is ready to go down the slide, but liked to hang on the bar above better. Rylee riding the fishie!Logan riding the unicornThe kids and daddy!Cute boy!!! He had so much fun and was exhausted afterwards!!!
CLOSEUP!!!Binky Baby!
These are most of the pictures I have from our trip... We didn't do too much else! We just hung out at the White's on Friday night and most of Saturday. Jen and I did hit the outlet mall on Saturday! It was FABULOUS!!! Man, I miss that place! I should have taken a picture of us with all of our bags - We did some serious shopping! We had planned to go to the Shark Reef, too, but ran out of time! Maddie and Hannah watched the kids Saturday night so we the adults could all go to PF Chang's (another favorite)! It was DELICIOUS!!! Then the boys headed to the BYU game and Jen and I went back to take care of the kiddies!The White's and Us at PF Changs
We went to church on Sunday at our old ward, and loved seeing some old friends, and then headed for home! We did grab an In-N-Out burger on our way out of town, too! It was a quick trip and although we didn't get to do all we planned or see everyone we hoped to, we did enjoy some of our favorite things about Vegas - Old friends, Great Weather, Fabulous shopping and delicious food!!! We hope to have a little more time next trip to do some fun things and see a few other friends. Here are a few last random photos of our trip....
Logan and Natalie had a great time with this funny puppet. He had a name, but I can't remember what it was. They thought he was great!Logan had a great time with one of his very best friends, Natalie! He had so much fun with her, we hardly saw him the whole time we were there. They are great friends and he really misses her! Aren't they too cute?Logan is OBSESSED with the Wii and wants to play it at everyone's house we go to! He was going crazy to play it the whole time we were there, and finally on Saturday night, he and Spencer got to play for awhile. Logan was in HEAVEN!!!