Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Avery at 14 Months

Here is the latest Avery post - This covers up to 14 months from Oct 26 - Nov 25.

October 26 - Avery just started really getting into her books. She loves them, especially ones she can feel or ones that she can lift the flap. I think she looks so cute reading them!
Cute little bookworm!

Avery LOVES apples - She is just going to town on this one and I thought it looked pretty funny! It is as big as her head and she did some pretty good damage to it!
Oct 26 - Carving pumpkins! Avery REALLY wanted to be helpful, but she is kind of a stinker these days! She climbs on the table, and almost falls off the chair over and over and won't sit down. She ended up spending most of our carving time in her Exersaucer, which she HATED!
Oct 27 - Avery and her finished pumpkin. Since she couldn't cave, Darren carved hers for her. Poor girl had no choice but to have a Real Salt Lake one!
Oct 27 - Avery watching the Aggie scrimmage game. She does pretty good at the games if she has a snack. I hope we make it through the season! We got season tickets this year and I don't know if we can handle all 3 kids - especially this busy little girl!

Oct 28 - Don't worry...its not blood! I had a little party for Ry's joyschool at our house and the treat was red velvet cupcakes. Avery REALLY liked them and had them EVERYWHERE!!!

Oct 29 - Avery ready for the ward party. Have you ever seen such a cute butterfly???

More pictures of Avery in her cute costume. I was going to just have her wear an old one from one of the other kids, but I saw this costume and had to have it! I loved my sweet butterfly!

My sister took these last few and I love them! The next couple too. Thanks V!
Here are a couple of Avery with cousin Ethan on Halloween. Not sure if these 2 are best friends, or worst enemies, but they are sure cute! We went to my mom's for dinner since we missed her Chili party this year and celebrated Halloween with all the grandkids since Halloween was on a Sunday and we trick-or-treated on Saturday.
Oct 30 - Cute Avery sleeping on daddy's shoulder while we trick-or-treated at Lee's.
Ready for some Halloween pizza!
She couldn't leave the candy bucket alone! She LOVES suckers!!!

All ready for some trick-or-treating! Too bad it had to be in the rain....Not the best experience for a one year old!
Nov 3 - Avery has discovered a new place for her finger to fit! I don't know if she is really doing much actual picking, but she really seems to like to put her finger there and it is a pretty constant thing lately!
Looking good in chocolate!

Nov 10 - More chocolate - She loves Daddy's chocolate chip pancakes! There are not many things that this picky girl likes to eat, but chocolate is defiantly one of them!!!
I love her more than chocolate! And that is a lot....
Nov 8 - Cute sisters! Ry has a moustache....don't ask... This is one of the few pictures where these two look like they like each other! Avery has learned that as soon as Ry gets close to her she can scream bloody murder and we will come to her rescue. There have been some incidents that validate the screaming, but most of the time Ry is trying to help her. She is bossy, but she wants to be helpful. I hope they can survive each other!
Nov 16 - OK...These are a few of my favorite pictures ever and help to explain why I can't keep my house clean or my blog up to date or anything else. This little cutie is TROUBLE! She is at that stage where you can not leave her alone for a second because she is into EVERYTHING!!! Her new obsession is the computer and she can pull the chair out and climb up to the desk all on her own and does about 100 times a day. So far, she has not deleted anything important. On this day, she also took off her own diaper (luckily it was empty!) and wrote with marker all over her face - well she actually was probably eating it because that is what she does with markers when the kids leave them out. These are 2 of her other recent naughty tricks! Pretty bad combination! These pictures makes me look like a not very good parent, but I assure you she was left unattended for less than 2 minutes! I'm pretty sure I was in the bathroom when this occurred. She is quick!!!
A mug shot of the little criminal and close-up of the marker mouth - She does this all the time! She LOVES to chew on everything and that includes markers! Gross!
Nov 22 - Avery's first real snow day - at least that she could participate in! She REALLY wanted to go out when she saw the other kids going out to play, but when I got her all bundled up and went outside with her, she wasn't too sure. She couldn't walk in her little boots very well
and as soon as she fell in the snow, she hated it. She also hated her mittens and wanted them off so bad! Maybe next year will be better...
Daddy tried to convince her it was fun, but she wasn't buying it!
She looked a little like the kid from The Christmas Story all bundled up! It took so long to get her in those clothes and then I don't think we even made it 10 minutes. Oh well!
Nov 23 - Definition of "hot mess" right here! Only half her pjs and one sock on, MESSY hair, climbing on the tables, an orange in each hand.... Who is her mother????
She LOVES to climb! And she likes to have one of whatever she is eating in each hand when she eats. Just a funny little Avery habit. I love this monkey!
Nov 24 - Avery at the Utah-Utah State Game. GO AGGIES!!!
She loves to clap and as soon as people are clapping, she stops whatever she is doing to clap, too. It is cute!
November 25 - 14 months old today celebrating Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Boman's house!
Eating her first Thanksgiving dinner - She was too little last year. She didn't last long! She was having a rough day and was super hungry and ready for a nap by the time we ate. She wanted to sit in Mom's lap and eat Mom's food instead.
She liked trying out the spoon. She is getting better and better with it.
She is done! She is really not a fan of the high chair lately.
For some reason, the food tastes better if you sit in Mom's lap, I guess! Her favorites were daddy's delicious sweet potoates and the turkey! YUMM!
Here are a few other things about Avery at 14 months:
She has a few other new words - She can now say Ry. She has only said it a couple times, but she can say it! She says "daw" for corndog, too. She also can say "poop". If I say, "Stinky! PU!" She will plug her nose and say "Uuu" or "Poop". Of course, when she says Poop, the other kids think it is hilarious and laugh at her and then it is her new favorite word! She also LOVES her belly button! She walks around and pulls up her shirt and points to it and attempts to say "Belly button", but it comes out "oop oop". It is pretty cute! She is starting to just babble a lot and is talking to us non stop. She has the cutest little voice and some pretty funny facial expressions.
Avery is a busy body! She is not just walking, but running everywhere! One of her favorite things is to chase the kids around, or for us to chase her. She will laugh so hard while she is running. She also LOVES to be tickled! When she runs, she swings her little arms so funny behind her. It always makes me laugh. She is also a climber and climbs everything! She is a little monkey and is always on the table and loves to climb up on the computer and type away. I can't leave her for a second because she is always into something!
Avery loves when dad comes home and runs right to the door and says "da". She loves to give him hugs and kisses. Her kisses are so funny! She makes the biggest "MUAH" sound. It is adorable! She also hates when mommy leaves. She will just stand by the door and cry. She is a momma's girl big time!
Avery is my first picky eater. She doesn't like many things and if she doesn't want it, she throws it on the floor and makes a big mess! I don't really know what to do about that since my other kids would eat anything. She does loves sweets and any kind of candy, or especially fruit snacks. The other thing she loves are corn dogs and pizza and sometimes chicken nuggets. She is not the healthiest eater! She also hates milk and is still nursing quite a bit, which is longer than any of my other kids.
Avery is getting to understand so many things. We can tell her to go get us a diaper, and she will get one and then lay down and wait to be changed. It is pretty cute! She also has discovered Elmo and loves him and gets very excited when he is on TV and will actually sit and watch for a few minutes....not many, but sometimes I can get her to sit still for 5 min while I do my hair or something. She likes to ride her little trike and at first she could only go backwards, but now she can go forward, too.
Avery is getting so much personality and lately a lot of attitude! If you tell her no, she gives you a LOOK! She lowers her chin and eyebrows and makes a pouty face and gives you a pretty nasty evil eye! It is a little funny, but not when you are her mom and know it is probably only going to get worse!
Avery also has another new tooth! She cut her bottom right next to her front 2 on Nov 12.

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