Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aunt V's Wedding


I'm posting this years later, but didn't want to forget to include Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian's wedding in our family journal.  It was a 2 day party right after Christmas!  They had an open house in Mendon one night and the next day was the wedding at the Logan Temple, luncheon at the Bluebird and then a reception in Layton.  It was a blizzard that day and driving to Layton was super scary but we made it and had a fun party!  The kids loved dancing and Rylee caught the bouquet.   So many fun pics....  These are a few I took....

Avery and Rylee made friends with Brian's nieces
She looked pretty cute toddling around
We tried to get a nieces and nephews pic,,,,
It was pure chaos!  
Dancing with Daddy

Rylee dancing with my cousin Rikki's little boy Ben.  They were pretty cute
Rylee and my cousin Rikki's kids - Maddie, Ben and Bella
Rylee loved dancing with daddy

Logan busting a move
Avery and Uncle Jeff being crazy!

Sparklers to send off the happy couple.  The kids thought those were so fun!  
These are pics from the photographer...
Family Photo


Lots of different group shots....  We had to get creative and do indoor pics because it was a blizzard at the temple!  

Rylee and the bouquet!  

Dancing the night away!  
It was SO cold and rainy at the temple!  And then turned to a crazy blizzard.  Not the best weather but a great wedding day.  

The photographer also took individual shots...

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