Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'Twas the Night before Christmas...

I guess I am posting things backwards now. I already posted Christmas because it was so much fun and I really wanted to get it done, but I still have a lot of other fun things to post (not to mention I need to go back through July...), so my posts might be a little scrambled for awhile... I should just skip to the present, but there are too many things that I just can't skip over, so bear with my craziness!
On the night of the 23rd, my 2 little brother's ( IS taller than me and the other one is close, but they are younger than me!) came up to go to an Aggie game with Darren and Logan. Logan was so excited when they showed up with an Xbox to play and they had a great time playing a basketball game on there. Logan was so into it and didn't even mind when they beat him by 70 points.... They are nice uncles, but they are WAY too competitive!!!
Cute boys ready for the Aggie game! They had so much fun!!! I am so glad Logan loves his uncles SO much!
Aren't they cute? They slept over at our house that night, which was a fun treat for Logan and they were here for our Christmas eve morning festivities. So fun!
When Logan was a baby, our neighbor in Vegas gave him an advent calendar for Christmas. He was tiny, but every day he would go straight to the kitchen when he woke up and ask for "choc-ate". Ever since then, we always have to have them for Christmas and the kids love it! It has become a fun tradition at our house and Avery LOVED it this year! She would get so excited when I would pull them down from the cupboard each day. I love her cheese in this picture, too. Such a funny girl!!!
Darren made us some delicious crepes for breakfast and then we decided to make our gingerbread house. We usually do this a lot earlier in the month, but because we had made some with friends and Logan had done it at school, we hadn't really gotten around to it. But, since I had the kit that needed to be used, we figured it would make a perfect project Christmas Eve morning. We cheated this year and hot glued the house together - It was SO much easier!
Ry was so into decorating the house and VERY carefully lined up all the little candies on the roof... She spent most of the time doing that. She is very funny about stuff like that and is really artistic and organized.
Avery just watched...and tried to eat all the candy...and smiled for the camera over and over! Such a ham!!!
Here is Logan's latest funny habit... He LOVES to read the Sports page! While we were decorating the house, he was checking the scores and stats. He loves to bring the paper in and goes straight to the sports page every day. I don't know if his dad likes this because Logan usually tells him everything and gets to it before he can... He always checks for the Jazz and Aggies scores and if the Heat play. He will check their shooting percentages and everything! He also likes to see if Sky View won and if his babysitter who plays for the girls' team is in the paper. It is hilarious! He makes comments like, "Oh! The Heat got their faces smacked yesterday!" or "Oh yeah! The Aggies are on a roll!" He also frequently does a "woot Woot" with a fist pump that makes us laugh! He knows teams' records, players' numbers...way too much for a 5 year old! It is hilarious! We love our little sports nut!
Hard at work decorating....
Almost done. I love to see these two working together!
Uncle Brad helping Rylee - Uncle Jeff was too cool to help us...
Still lining up those little candies - She is a girl obsessed!
Logan isn't so particular
Cute kiddies with our finished masterpiece!
This roof just cracks me up. It is SO Rylee - at least the top half. The rest is more Logan...
I also like the tracks in the frosting. That is Logan's doing. We said that we should make a trail up to the door with the gumdrops, and he decided to make trails through the frosting by dragging the gumdrops. Not exactly what we meant...
Once we finished our gingerbread house, we got cleaned up and ready for Grandma's house in cute Christmas clothes. Isn't this a handsome kid? He would only hold still for a second, so this is the only shot I got...
My sweet Ry - She loves to pose!
Funny Avery - She thinks she has to be sitting down to have her picture taken.
She must have learned the head tilt from Rylee...
All 3 cute kiddos ready for a trip to Grandma's.

We had a little party and dinner at my mom's house for Christmas Eve. Everyone had kind of different schedules, so it was a little crazy, but luckily we at least overlapped a little bit. Avery and Ethan are so funny to watch. They are always so interested in each other, but not always nice to each other. They were giving each other the cutest hugs and kisses...until I got the camera and then it was ALL over! After this, they were picking at each other's eyes and making each other cry.
Our cute family! I know they hate it when I make them take these pictures, but I am so happy we have them! And I have to prove that I am there since I am usually taking the pictures.
After our yummy chicken cordon bleu dinner, we got to do some present opening! The kids got a couple gifts from their Uncles (Jeff, Brad and Kyle). Avery tried to open this one with her teeth. She really liked opening presents!
Ry was REALLY excited about her SillyBands! She also got some cute sticker books and a coloring book and crayons from Uncle Kyle, who did all his own shopping! She also got a Tinkerbell cup from Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian.
Logan also got some sillybands and this cool Iron Man thing...(I have NO idea what this is called...) It is magnetic and sticks to his shirt and says things and lights up when you push it. He also got a coloring book and crayons from Uncle Ky and a Cars cup from Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Brian.
Avery got 2 cute outfits and she really wanted to try them on! She tried and tried to get it on her head and then wrapped it around like a scarf. Funny girl! She also got a little Princess and the Frog bath book from Ky and a Tinkerbell cup from Vanessa and Brian.
Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura gave the kids Whac-A-Mole and they were SO excited!!!
Logan announced that he would be really good at this game because of all the Vole hunting he has been doing with his daddy! We gave Dean and Laura a movie basket with movie tickets, a gift card to eat and candy (so boring and generic...I know!) and Brian and Vanessa gave us some new Aggie shirts.
We finished gifts and then headed home to do a few last things before bedtime. We had planned on leaving around 5, but I think it was close to 7 by the time we got on the road...that is how it usually goes!
Once we got home, we had to decorate some gingerbread men cookies for Santa. Logan had been asking to have gingerbread cookies for weeks! I found some that were already made, so we just had to decorate them. They were lots of fun! Avery had a great time sneaking candy. She LOVED the licorice and her whole face was covered in it!
Logan made an awesome LeBron one complete with a licorice headband and jersey with his number on it, but he ate it before I got a picture!
Here are the ones we left for Santa. Ry's is the one that is all decorated and Logan's is the one with no candy.
Rylee got way into doing these and decided to make hers an Aggie cheerleader...
Ry with her Aggie cheerleader gingerbread girl.
I had to get a close-up of Ry's masterpeice. She has a licorice ponytail and pompoms and an Aggie A on her shirt and a skirt. She is so funny!
After the licorice, Avery found the GREEN M&M's!
Since we opened our jammies early this year for the Polar Express (post still to come...), we opened some slippers on Christmas Eve.
Logan really loved his Dino ones!
Avery wants her slippers ON!
Once we finished that, we went through the Nativity story. We were using the Little People set we have to tell the story, but the kids decided they wanted to act it out, so they ended up telling us most of the story and acting it out for us. It was really cute! I was glad that we finally had time to do that this year because I think it is so important, but we usually get home too late that night to do it. After that, we talked about our present to Jesus and then the kids were ready for bed! Darren read them "The Night Before Christmas" and then tucked them in!!! We had to talk to Logan about what time to get up because Darren had told him he could get up whenever he wanted, but had to change that. Logan was planning to get up at ONE am! Luckily, the kids were so tired that even though they were super excited, they were out pretty quickly. It was another fun and busy holiday!!!

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