Dec 7 - Little Miss Avery after her 2nd haircut! She is looking so grown up!!! Thanks Aunt Heather!
A few other things about Avery at 15 months...
Avery went to her 15 month appointment on Jan 3. She weighed 20 lbs and 13 oz, so she has only put on 11 oz in the last 3 months, probably because she is such a picky eater! That makes her the 18%. She was also 31 inches (65 percentile) and her head was in the 79 percentile. (47 cm). Some of the foods Avery has decided she likes are clementine oranges, string cheese and graham crackers. She also loves corn dogs and will stand be the whole time I am cooking them and say "daw, daw" for dog.
Avery is EVERYWHERE! She is so fast and into EVERYTHING! She can run, climb and do pretty much what ever she wants. Everytime I leave the room, she somehow ends up standing on the table. She makes a lot of messes, but is a lot of fun, too. She toddles around so cute and I love her walk. She swings her little arms so funny behind her - especially when she runs.
She has started to shake her head NO... a lot! She is so funny. If you ask her something, she is pretty good at saying Yes or No to what she wants. When she shakes her head NO, she also says "Mmm-uh" and lets you know that is NOT what she wants! She also knows when she is doing something she shouldn't be doing (like playing on the computer...) and she will shake her head no and shake her finger at you like "no, no, no". It is pretty funny...for now.
Avery LOVES her belly button and is a little bit obsessed with it. She is always pulling up her shirt and showing us her "Be bah" as she calls it. She also likes to plug her nose if we say "stinky" or "PU" and she says "poop" all the time and will call any of her body parts under her diaper, "poop". Avery is also getting good at pointing at other body parts. She LOVES eyes and points to them (or pokes them) on everyone and says "EYE, EYE". She also knows mouth, teeth, hair, ear, belly button and toes.
Avery has started to play with the kids a lot more and is playing with toys a lot. She makes a lot of little sound effects when she plays. She ROARS a lot and sounds like a cute little monster. She also makes little car noises and other sounds. It is pretty funny to listen to her.
Avery's new favorite game is to be chased or to chase you. She loves our kitchen island and will run around and around it chasing someone or being chased. She has discovered pretty quickly that if she can't catch you, she can change direction and catch up pretty quickly. It is so funny and she will just laugh and giggle. She also LOVES peek-a-boo and plays it all the time. She says "Pee BOO" so cute and thinks she is just so funny. She is at the funny stage where she likes to be scared a little if we play with her and surprise her, she thinks it is really funny. She is so much fun to play with! Avery also loves to tickle and be tickled. Her little fingers are so funny when they try and tickle. The other day, she tried to reach up and tickle Darren's bum and it was too cute!
Avery's new favorite game is to be chased or to chase you. She loves our kitchen island and will run around and around it chasing someone or being chased. She has discovered pretty quickly that if she can't catch you, she can change direction and catch up pretty quickly. It is so funny and she will just laugh and giggle. She also LOVES peek-a-boo and plays it all the time. She says "Pee BOO" so cute and thinks she is just so funny. She is at the funny stage where she likes to be scared a little if we play with her and surprise her, she thinks it is really funny. She is so much fun to play with! Avery also loves to tickle and be tickled. Her little fingers are so funny when they try and tickle. The other day, she tried to reach up and tickle Darren's bum and it was too cute!
Avery has started to discover jumping and is always trying to jump on things. It is so funny to watch her try and do it, because she can't really get off the ground. She loves jumping on the beds or the couch. She has also picked up the "I Believe the We will Win" chant from the Aggie games where everyone jumps and she tries to do it just like Logan. She gets the biggest grin and sometimes even giggles. She also loves to do the "Whoosh" thing from the Aggie games where they hold their arms up during free throws. She is pretty good at it. We say "arms up" at the games, she will hold her little arms up and then bring them down and say "whoosh". It is adorable! I love that she is a little Aggie fan, although she does have a hard time sitting through the games. Too bad they don't shoot free throws the whole time because she loves that part of the game!
She has started to say "one" when she wants us to count. We will a lot of times count to 3 and then swing her around or do some crazy little trick with her, so if she wants us to do something like that, she will say "one" and then wait for us to do the rest.
Avery LOVES music and anytime any comes on, she starts to shake her little body so cute. She has also started to do a lot of actions to songs. She can do lots of actions to "Eensy Weensy Spider" and she is getting really good at Monkeys on the Bed. She also loves to do "If you are Happy and you know it" and she claps so cute and points to her smile. She LOVES to clap and if she is upset, we can use that song, or any kind of clapping as a good distraction for her. If someone is clapping, Avery can't help herself. She HAS to do it, too and then she usually forgets she was upset. It is pretty funny!
Avery got 2 new teeth this month! On Dec 15, she got her other little tooth next to her front ones on the bottom left side. Then on Dec 24, she cut a bottom molar. (right side...left if you are looking at her...)
Avery is starting to catch on to more signs and is using them more and more. This month, she started doing the sign for "beautiful" and it is so cute. She says "ful" while she does it. I think her favorite sign is probably more. She does it for everything she wants and she says "ma, ma, ma" over and over. She sounds like the seagulls on Nemo. It always makes us laugh!
Avery REALLY loved our Christmas tree this month and all the pretty lights and ornaments. She was constantly bringing me ornaments from the tree, but somehow they all survived! She would just sit on the ground and look up at the tree. It was so adorable!
Avery is starting to be more of a little mommy. She LOVES her baby dolls all of a sudden and her Elmo and tries to wrap them up in whatever she can find. Rylee was the same way and it makes me laugh because besides having it done to her, where does she see that and learn it?
Avery is starting to become very independent and wants to do a lot of things herself. She gets really mad if we try and feed her something. She wants to put it in her mouth herself! She is always trying to put on shoes herself. If we are going somewhere (or if she WANTS to go somewhere) she will get her "boo" (boots) and her coat and bring them to me. She is also good at getting her own diaper and throwing things away. She also loves to do her own thing and play and gets VERY mad if her sister tries to help her do things or interfere with what she is doing and will let out the most ear piercing scream you have ever heard!
Avery has also mastered the dirty looks and can give some of the meanest looks ever! She is very expressive and has some killer eyebrows! It is pretty funny and she knows it is funny, so she really hams it up and makes us all laugh. She also does the best CHEESE for the camera and thinks she has to sit to pose. Whenever I get my camera, she immediately sits down and then does her CHEESE. I have about 3 seconds to take the picture and then she is done. She is turning into such a funny little person and has SO much personality!
Avery's favorite time of the day are when Daddy and Logan come home. She gets SO excited she hardly knows what to do and she will run for the door. It is SO cute!
1 comment:
SHe is such a sweetheart! Cant believe she is that old now! Crazy!!! I loved the post of all them together at each stage! It brought so many memories back! I miss you and the kids!!! The kids look so similar! They have such a great mixture of you and Darren! Love ya!
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