Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Princesses on Ice

In November, I took Rylee to Princesses on Ice. She was SO excited and we were counting down for weeks! We went with our friends, Carlie and Olivia Lifferth, and Rylee loved to say that it was GIRLS only! No boys allowed! That made Logan a little upset, especially since we usually go to Disney on Ice as a family. Anytime a commercial came on for it, I would stop the TV and have Rylee come see so she could get even more excited and then Logan would point out that Aladdin was in it, so there WERE boys and he kept saying "See Mom. Its for FAMILIES! There are Families there!" I finally convinced him that he and daddy had been to lots of football games and hockey games and BOY things. He still wasn't happy about it, but it was good for me and Rylee to get out for a girls night. We met up with Carlie and Livi in Layton, since they have ditched us in Cache Valley and moved away!:( Darren and Robb hung out with the other kids and Avery did pretty well for her first time away from Mommy for very long. Here is Rylee watching the show. She is quite different than Logan - When we take Logan to this stuff, he is jumping up and down and shaking with excitement the whole time. Rylee was quite different - She just chilled and watched the show. I couldn't tell if she liked it very much, but she did. She watched everything very intently and could remember everything about the show afterwards. When I asked her her favorite part afterwards, she said "EVERYTHING!" and if I asked her who her favorite Princess was she said "All of them!" I guess she just loved it all! We had to go to the Dr that day because Rylee had been complaining about her ear, and she had a pretty bad ear infection, but he said it was OK to take her. We started her on the medicine and she did great and had so much fun she didn't complain about her ear once! I'm so glad we didn't have to miss it!

The show started with Aladdin and then they did a bunch of small little scenes from other Princess movies. This is the queen from Snow White - She is one of Rylee's FAVORITE characters! Anytime we have watched Snow White or see anything about Snow White, Rylee talks about the witch or when the witch is coming on. She was so excited to see her at Princesses on Ice. Should I be nervous? The Princesses dancing with their Princes - The first half of the show had short bits of lots of the Princess stories. Just before intermission they all had their happy endings and danced together. The had Jasmine, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Ariel, Mulan and Pocahontas.
Me and Rylee at intermission. We took pictures instead of being tempted by lots of expensive Princess stuff!
Olivia and Carlie

What cute little friends! We didn't plan it, but they ended up in matching hats! Ry showing off her Princess shirt! I wanted her to wear one of her Princess dresses, but she didn't want to, which really surprised me. She loved the t-shirt though.

The second half started with Mickey, Minnie and TINKERBELL!!! That was when Rylee got excited and started waving.
The whole second half was the story of Cinderella. Rylee really loved this one. I realized that Rylee doesn't probably know as many as the Princess stories as I thought since we are usually watching Cars and those movies that Logan chooses. Cinderella is a story she knows though and she loved it! Especially when the Fairy Godmother came down from the ceiling. She told Darren that was her favorite part!

Me and Rylee in a self portrait! We LOVE the Princesses!
At the end, all the Princesses came out and skated together. It was great! This castle was really neat too and changed for each Princess story.

This is Rylee with the castle in the background, but it didn't turn out very good.

Rylee's favorite - Tinkerbell!

Rylee waving to all the Princesses and Tinkerbell at the end.
Rylee also loved Mickey and Minnie
Me and my cute Ry girl! I loved having a girls' night out with her! I think we are going to have to have more of these. We had so much fun together watching the Princesses! I love my little Princess!

1 comment:

Jami said...

That looks like fun. I took Brittney one time and she loved it too. Riley is getting so big.