Friday, December 4, 2009

One Handsome Dude!

These are the photos we had done of Logan last month. Since I had pics done of him recently, I didn't have her do too many of him, but what she did turned out amazing!!! The photographer just let him play around and took pictures as he went around so they totally capture our busy little boyand his personality! I love them!!!
This is my VERY favorite!!! It is going up on our wall - Look at those eyes!!! How do you get mad at him with those???
I thought this was so fun!

My favorite again, but in black and white.

This picture is SO Logan!

This is Logan building a teeter totter! He is all boy!

Look at those lashes! Ladies, watch out!!!

I love that handsome smile!!!

He thought the train tracks were awesome!
I LOVE our Logan! He is so fun to be around and brings a lot of energy to our house! Last night, I was at Relief Society and some of the Primary ladies were telling me how much they love having Logan in there and how entertaining he is, which I thought was maybe a nice way of telling me he is a little naughty, but they said, "No. He is just so excited about everything and full of life." That definitely describes our Logan! He is so passionate about things he is excited about and so fun to be around and busy, busy, busy! He spent the evening last night jumping on the couch and screaming for the Aggies and booing the Cougars. I love when he gets really excited - he can't contain himself and has this funny laugh and jumps around so crazy! He makes our life exciting and is so full of life and love!


Kim McCann said...

I {heart} Logan! :) He is so funny. And, in case you were wondering...he's got tons of shirts. :)

Jami said...

He looks so grow up and tall. What a handsome boy!

Clark Family said...