Monday, December 14, 2009

Avery at Six Weeks

This post is a little outdated, but I have to start somewhere in catching back up! Here are some photos of Avery between 4 and 6 weeks old. Avery turned 6 weeks old on November 6. She is so cute and we are loving this sweet baby!
Avery at 5 weeks old
At 5 weeks old, Avery celebrated her first Halloween and was a cute little monkey!
We took a road trip down to visit Darren's family and for Avery to meet her Webber cousins, aunts and uncles at 5 weeks. (November 1st) It takes almost 2 hours to get there, so it was Avery's longest car ride and she did great! While we were there, we found out that Uncle Cory is engaged!!! This is his new fiance, Katie, and all the girl cousins (except for Raegan who lives far away). :( They wanted to take this picture since the girl likes to always ask Katie when her and Katie were getting married.
Here is Avery with all her cousins (except for Raegan and Mason who was there but hiding somewhere) and Uncle Cory and Aunt Katie. It was fun for Avery to meet all the cousins!

Haley was SO excited to hold Avery! So were Madi and Parker - they fought over her most of the time, but I didn't get a picture for some reason.
Avery and her cousin Katie
Six weeks old and oh so cute!!!
Avery is so cute when she talks to Daddy. She is becoming a lot more social these days and loves to look at everyone and is talking more and more. She gets so focused and talks so sweet. We love her little coos. They always make us smile! She really concentrates on your face when you hold her and is so sweet! She has made a few little giggling sounds, but hasn't really laughed yet. It almost seems to scare her when she makes that noise.
Avery is getting so big! She is wearing her 0-3 size clothes now and they are getting pretty tight.

Rylee always likes to jump in the pictures with Avery. She loves her sister...and the camera!

Those pretty eyes and a little bit of a smile. She smiles a lot now and is so sweet! She is a really happy baby all the time. She is also starting to sleep better at night, which is happy for mom! Our favorite time of day with Avery is in the morning. She wakes up so sweet and happy and talks and coos and smiles. It is adorable!
Logan wanted to be in a picture with Avery, too. She loves Logan and always wants to look at him and smile at him. So far she has survived all the love her siblings have given her!
Look at those chubby cheeks! She is really putting on some chunk now! I love the chubby cheeks and little rolls on her sweet legs. Avery likes to see everything that is going on around her and loves to be out and about. We haven't gone out too much yet, but whenever we do, she is so great and loves to check everything out. She is holding her head up really well and likes to be held looking out so she can see everything going on. She also really likes to be bounced and that can calm her down in the rare moments that she is upset. She is a great sleeper and loves to be wrapped up.

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