Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Little Sunbeam!

Logan had his very first Primary program on November 22. He was so excited and practiced all the songs for weeks. Our primary is so great and gave the kids a CD several weeks before and Logan was great at singing all the songs. His favorites to sing are "Fair is the Sunshine" (I don't think that is the title but that is how it starts and what Logan calls it...) and How Firm a Foundation. He likes to sit at the piano and "practice" and belt out the songs while he plays. He knew them so well it really surprised me. He also had a little speaking part. His whole class said "The family is ordained of God." They were supposed to say it all together, but Logan was sitting closest to the mic and said it first before anyone else, and then they all said it together after. Then they each said a little part. Logan was first and said "My name is Logan and I have a family." It was so cute and he did a great job! He knew his part so well and wasn't scared at all.

I have to say that the Primary Program is always my favorite sacrament meeting of the year at church. (Probably because I have never been in the Primary to have to do all the work for the program.) There are always funny things happening. Our Primary is HUGE! All the kids wouldn't fit on the stand so they had the Sunbeams in front of the pulpit on some little stairs. They had little footprints for them to stand on and they did a great job staying there. We were on row 2 so we had a great view. A couple minutes into the program, the little boy sitting straight in front of us did a HUGE sneeze and then he looked down and just kept his hand covering his face. The teachers in front of us were all scrambling for a tissue and when they gave him one and he moved his hand, his whole face was covered in boogers! So gross, but a little funny! Luckily, he covered his mouth or we would have been showered! All the little Sunbeams sat so perfect in their spots....except Logan! He wasn't being noisy or bad....just active! He was up and down the little stairs and turning around to see all the kids behind him and all over the place and playing with his tie and he loved to do all the actions to the songs, which I think the director was just doing to help the kids remember the songs...I don't think they were actually supposed to be doing them, but he knew them all and was doing them pretty intensely. I was told after that Logan was very entertaining. I don't know if that is a nice way to say that he was a bit naughty or not, but he was pretty funny! Isn't he handsome in his shirt and tie?
Rylee was so proud of her brother! She was standing up on the bench to see him and kept asking where he was and watched him so close. Grandma Boman and Uncle Kyle also came to watch Logan. Kyle was in heaven because he got all the sweet after program primary treats in primary that day. He thinks our primary is the best and is considering moving in so he can get some more of the candy and cool stuff they gave out.
In other news about Logan - In November, for show and tell, he had to choose something he was grateful for, so he took a picture of Avery. He is such a proud big brother and the second he walked into school, he told his teacher that he had a picture of "my sweet little Avery". It was so cute! I'm sure he is grateful for Rylee, too. He is such a good big brother to both of them! Also, about 2 weeks ago, his teacher called in the middle of school. I was pretty worried that Logan had thrown up or peed his pants or punched another kid or something, but she was calling to tell me he was reading. I already knew that he knew a lot of words, but the teacher was amazed at how well he was doing and sounding out words, so she sent him home with the books they read in Kindergarten and he is doing so great with them! He started with about 5 and as he passes them off, he takes them back and gets new ones and he loves it! He is so proud of himself and gets so excited to take books back to his teacher. It is the first thing he tells her when he walks into school. I love that he loves learning! It is so fun to watch him grow!

1 comment:

Annie said...

I love your new family pics! we miss you guys so much we need to plan a time to see each other soon!