Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Best Buddies

Our internet is having issues again, so after being almost caught up, I am now really behind! After having Avery's photos done and loving them so much, Darren thought it would be a good idea to have the same photographer do some of Logan and Rylee so we can hang them in the house. They turned out so great, too. These are just a few of the two of them together. They had so much fun getting these pictures done - Our photographer was so cute with them and they thought it was so cool to get their pictures done at the "train tracks". Rylee still likes to use her pretend camera and play photographer and be Katie and they even invited her to get a milkshake afterwards. I love that these two are the cutest little buddies and friends! They have been playing together so great lately and I love seeing their relationship grow stronger and their sweet friendship grow. They will play Little people or "vacation" or "Disneyland" for long periods of time and are so funny together. They have great little imaginations. Rylee can be a little bossy, but Logan handles her so well. I love how sweet these pictures turned out.

I love this one! It really captures their relationship!
There weren't too many because I felt like Avery was missing from them, so I wanted her to do more individual ones than them together, but I am glad she got a few because they are so cute! As much as they love each other and play together, they are also starting that fun fighting "She is bothering me" kind of stage and sometimes do not get along the greatest, so it is good to have these pictures to remind them how much they love each other! It will be so fun to see how Avery adds to this little mix in the years to come. I am so glad these kids have each other! What a blessing to have a brother or sister for a best friend!


Kim McCann said...

SO CUTE!! You'll be so glad you have these pics when they get older and REALLY start fighting! :)

Clark Family said...