Sunday, June 29, 2008


I know that this post will probably disappoint a lot of people who are hoping for another embarrassing or exciting story, but today I made my 3rd attempt at speaking in church and I guess the third time is a charm because I actually COMPLETED my talk for the 1st time ever!!! This is a little ridiculous since I am 27 years old and SHOULD be able to speak in sacrament, but it was a pretty big deal for me, so YEAH me!!! I honestly wasn't nervous at all, until about an hour before church and then I had a bit of a panic attack. Thank goodness for priesthood blessings or I don't think I would have made it!!! When we got to church, the program said "Speakers: To be announced". I think they were a little worried that we were going to chicken out so they didn't include our names on the program.
For those of you who may not know, let me give you a little history on my speaking disasters.... When I was 14 and gave my first sacrament meeting talk, I passed out at the pulpit, hit my head on the box they use to adjust the microphone and was out cold for 5 minutes!!! Somehow, I escaped any speaking assignments until Darren and I moved to Vegas. It had been 10 years since I passed out and Darren convinced me that it would be fine. So, I attempted to speak in that ward, and just as I got through our introduction, I felt really sick, went to sit down and threw up on the stand!!! I don't know if ANYONE has 2 stories that embarrassing!!! SO...My bishop in Las Vegas knew I shouldn't speak and passed it on to our new bishop when our ward was split. I was hoping that our Bishop in Vegas would pass the message on to our Bishop here when we moved, but no luck!
Last time I turned down a speaking assignment, I felt extremely guilty, so I decided to give it a shot and I actually made it! I don't know if this should actually count because I DID sit on a stool, which probably looked really odd, but it was a LOT better than throwing up or passing out! The good news is that I will not be known as "The girl who threw up" in this ward like our last ward (although I WILL probably be known as "the girl who sat on a stool") but I think that is an improvement. Baby steps, right? The bad news is that when I threw up last time, everyone came rushing to my aid, and that is how we made a lot of our good friends and even got some dinner invitations out of it - I guess we will have to look for new ways to make friends... ha ha! I was glad to avoid any major catastrophes and to avoid being the subject of everyone's "Guess what happened in my ward?" blog entry!!! I did talk a little too long...probably because I've never made it past the first paragraph before... and Darren didn't get to give much of his talk, but he was probably glad since I have left him as the only speaker in the past! Also, there are so many new people always moving into our ward (we average 4 or 5 new families a week) we probably won't have to speak again for quite awhile! Yeah!!! It is a great thing to have over with, especially since I was up until 2 am writing my talk and am exhausted!
Also, this weekend was Logan's birthday. We had a great couple of days and a really fun Buzz Lightyear party. I haven't gotten my pictures off the camera yet, but I will post them soon. I made a Buzz cake that turned out pretty good...Darren and I were up til 3:30 am frosting it! It was a little crazy, but Logan loved it! I can't believe that he is really 3 years old! It is a little hard for me. He had a great couple of days and was SO spoiled!!! He got some really fun stuff.
One other exciting note...Darren's 1st OFFICIAL day of work is tomorrow! He has spent a lot of time in the office setting everything up - We had no idea how much work and time getting started was going to take - but we are finally ready to go! He has seen a few patients here and there, but tomorrow is his first real day and he has a full day of patients scheduled. We are very excited to start earning a paycheck...It has been a long time for us and we have a LOT of bills to pay! It will be a little sad for me and the kids though. We have been having so much fun hanging out with him. It has been like a big vacation! I guess we have to get to real world sometime, right?


Karmann said...

I am soooooooooooooooo PROUD of you!! YEAH!! YOu made it through a talk and you dont have any stories to tell. What a relief!! I hope the party went well so sad we couldnt be there this year! Tell Darin good luck on his first day and hope it goes well! Miss you!!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Totally yeah you! Congratulations. This post made me laugh out loud. I am very glad for you that no one in your new ward was able to blog about your nerves. Although you do bond with someone after that kind of an experience. :) Glad it is over for you and not likely to happen again for a while.

Jenn said...

Congratulations!!! You are so good to keep trying, I think your experiences are a free ride to never have to do it again. But now that you can do it without passing out or throwing up you are doing to have to do it more.