Sunday, June 22, 2008

Better Late Than Never...

These next few entries may be ancient history by blogging standards, but I really wanted to post them anyway. This blog is kind of our family history, so I had to include our last vacation. I will probably never be caught up with anything in my life, so it is no surprise to me that I am so far behind on this. I did have some technical difficulties with my camera, but still...I should do better! I am posting them backwards, so you can read them in order we did them, but I hope that works....
We decided to take a little family vacation back at the beginning of May (May 5th - May 9th) to celebrate Darren being done with school. After nine years, I think this was much deserved!!! It was actually our only vacation with just us - we usually go with either mine or Darren's family, which we love doing, but it was kind of nice to just be the four of us. Darren received some money for a graduation gift and since we had never had our "own" vacation we decided to take one. We also decided to take advantage of living so close to California and take the kids to Sea World and Disneyland. It only takes us about 3 1/2 or 4 hours to make it to Anaheim from Vegas, which is really nice. It makes it really easy to travel there. We left on Monday morning and got all checked into our hotel. Then we took the kids to Downtown Disney. They really liked just walking around and checking everything out. There are so many fun stores there and great people watching! There was some drummer there that was pretty awesome that the kids loved and they always like to walk through the HUGE Disney store (and so do I...) Then we ate at the Cheesecake Factory, one of our favorite restaurants (Thanks for the gift card Dean!) It was so yummy! Then we tried to get the kids to go to sleep so that we would be ready for the next day. Everyone was really excited, but we finally managed to get them to sleep. Checking out Downtown Disney
Darren and Logan and Darren's HUGE Burrito at The Cheesecake Factory - Can you believe the size of that thing?
Rylee eating her dinner
Mom and Rylee at dinner at The Cheesecake Factory
Logan with his Mickey - I bought these at the Disney store outlet in Vegas for a great deal and some Disney shirts too. I will miss being able to do that! "Magic Mickey" delivered them to the kids one morning before we left the hotel and they loved them!

Silly kids!!! You have to LOVE those smiles!

Rylee and her Princess Minnie doll!

Just a warning - There are a TON of pictures from this trip. I think that I took over 500! Most of you probably don't want to see them all, except for maybe Grandma's, so you don't have to look at them all, but I wanted to post them all my favorites since this is how I am scrapbooking right now.


Melissa said...

You are a Disneyland fanatic!!It was fun to get together yesterday. I have missed you guys! Ryker has been talking about his friend Logan and can't wait to play with him again.

Karmann said...

You guys had so much fun and Ryan and I loved seeing your pictures! He kept saying I miss my little man!

I cant wait to have a family and go to disneyland! miss you!!!

Jess and Tom Francom said...

Hey! So I guess you are here now... Email me at so we can exchange phone numbers! I actually have a cell number for you still in my phone, it has to be over 5 years old! We should totally get the kids together to play. So, email me and we'll plan something!