Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Disneyland, Day 2

I am posting these backwards so that they hopefully make sense as you read them, but if you read this first, there is more coming...
We had lots of fun on our second day at Disneyland! It was finally a little bit warmer - Yeah for that! When we got there, Logan wanted to go straight the rockets, his favorite ride. It made Darren and I a little sick, so we weren't too excited, but we rode it anyway. Then we dragged him to the Matterhorn. He wasn't too excited to ride this one, but he made it and liked counting how many times he could see the Yeti (the abominable snowman). He rode first with Darren and then I made him ride it again with me because we did the kiddie swap and I didn't want to ride it alone. I had to drag him kicking and screaming with people staring at me like I was a bad parent. The ride operator kept telling me that I needed to keep him on the seat, so I had to forcibly hold him down to start. Once it got going, he did fine, but he did NOT want to ride it again. To reward him for his bravery, we headed over to the Petting Zoo, which he loves to visit and Rylee had a great time too. She would go up to the animals and watch them for a minute, then touch them quickly with one finger and then laugh and laugh! We were also able to meet Woody, which Logan LOVED and the Winnie the Pooh characters and ride the Pooh ride. After that, we headed over to California Adventure. There were some things that Logan really enjoyed. We saw the Aladdin show, and a fun thing called Turtle Talk with Crush that was interactive and Logan thought was hilarious! He also really liked the Playhouse Disney show with characters from Mickey's Clubhouse and Little Einstein's. We also spent some time at the Bug's Land. Logan enjoyed the kiddie rides a little more than the Matterhorn! He really liked the bumper cars! We went to the Pixar Parade, which was one of our highlights! It had all the characters from Logan's favorite Pixar movies, including Cars and Toy Story, so he was SUPER excited!!! Rylee really liked it too. She is easy to please and seemed to like pretty much everything we did. The California Adventure closed early, so we went back to Disneyland for a couple more rides. We rode all of Logan's favorites - The Carousel, the teacups, Dumbo and the Rockets. We discovered that Logan only liked the rides that were fully exposed and he could see everything that would be happening to him - He was a little wary after his run-in with that Matterhorn. The kids were totally exhausted by the time we left and Rylee looked totally passed out on the stroller ride home. We had a great time!!! We were so glad for a chance to go on a vacation together and spend time together as a family.
Logan was so funny about the map! He had to have it all the time and read it to us and tell us where we were going. He could find most of the rides on the map and was OBSESSED with holding it and always wanted us to show him where we were going next. I thought it was so funny!
Rylee loved pretty much everything at Disneyland, but especially enjoyed the Carousel! She always looked a little nervous when things started moving, but she did great with everything we did!
Logan's ride on the Matterhorn! He did great, even though he let us know he didn't want to ride it, he did fine once it got going and loves to tell everyone that he rode it. He always makes it clear though that he does not want to do it again!
Rylee playing peek a boo and posing for the camera while we waited for the parade. I loved her cute Mickey ears. She is such a cheese!
Here is a slide show of the rest of our pictures from the day. More than most people want to see, but it is mostly for me anyway...

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