Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sea World!

On Tuesday, we went to Sea World. Darren and I have not been there for 5 years, and we have never taken the kids, but we had a lot of fun, despite the somewhat cold temperatures! Both of the kids really got into all of the animals to see there, especially the killer whales! Logan is still talking about them. When we got there, it was one of the feeding times for the Dolphins. This is my favorite thing to do there because you can actually feed and touch them. I LOVE dolphins, and would one day love to swim with them, but feeding them will have to do ont he student budget and it was pretty cool. Logan and Rylee liked it too and even got to touch them as well. Then we went to the Dolphin show, which was fun - They can do such amazing things! Then we went to the Shamu show. Rylee really loved this show for some reason. She actually sat still, which is rare for her and a few minutes into the show, she started doing the sign for "Beautiful" over and over, which I thought was so cute! I actually almost started bawling, being the baby of a mom that I am - I thought it was so sweet! Those animals are truly amazing though! After that, we saw a lot of aquariums and other animals like sea turtles (one of Logan and Daddy's favorites) and flamingos and lots of fish! Then we went to a 4-D Elmo show. Logan wasn't too crazy about this. It was a little funny - He LOVED wearing the glasses (so did Rylee). Once the show started and anything appeared very close to him, he would slide the glasses down his nose and peer over so that he could see that it was really not that close. He was pretty nervous about it. Then we got sprayed with water several times, which nobody really liked, and then there was thunder and lightning that totally freaked him out! I don't know if we will ever get him into another 3D show again! It was hard to get him to try a regular movie after this because he kept waiting for the thunderstorm or to get sprayed with water. We went to the shark tank, which was really cool because the sharks were all around you. Then we saw the Sea Lions, which the kids LOVED! It was feeding time and the sea lions were barking and going crazy and the kids both thought that was hilarious and didn't want to leave. We saw the Sea Lion show and then went to see penguins, polar bears, walruses, baluga whales and the Clydesdale horses (why do these belong in Sea World?) Then we went and saw Shamu and were able to watch some training sessions and then we went to touch the sting rays. The kids liked doing that too. They were a little nervous, but both tried. We had a really fun day! Logan still gets so excited whenever he sees a killer whale or dolphin and loves to talk about our trip to SeaWorld! After our day there, we drove down to the beach and got some pizza. It was actually a little place Darren and I went on our honeymoon trip to San Diego. The slices were SO HUGE! It was really yummy! Then we walked along the beach a little. We were a little bummed it was so cold! The kids both fell asleep on the way back to the hotel - It was a full day but we all had a great time!

I thought this picture was so funny with Logan and the dolphins behind him. It looks fake or something. He had a great time feeding and petting the dolphins and watching the swim around.
Rylee at the tide pool - she loved touching the star fish and other stuff. Logan was a little afraid for some reason. Rylee had a really fun day and loved watching all the sea life and animals.
I love these guys!!! Logan, Darren and Rylee on the beach in San Diego. Too bad that we were FREEZING! It didn't feel like being on the beach.
Here are some more pics from our day in Sea World - Probably way more than you want to see, but I think they are cute!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

These pictures are so FUN!!!