Saturday, June 14, 2008

Back to the Stone Age...

The reason I haven't posted for awhile is because for the past 2 weeks, we have had no internet signal at our house-This has been a major test for me! It has been driving me crazy!!! I had already filled my shopping basket at the Children's Place and now all the items are gone! I also had a lot of fun pictures and other things I wanted to post, and now they seem a little outdated...(although I will probably post them anyway...) The first few weeks we were here, I could get on the internet at any time (thanks to someone else's wireless signal), but we haven't been able to pick up a signal for awhile and it has been hard for me! We also still have no TV. Things have been taking a little longer than we hoped to get Darren set up and working here, and while he spends a lot of time at the office, he still is not officially working and seeing patients yet, so we decided since he is still not working, or at least making any mullah, we would hold off on any unnecessary expenses, such as TV and internet. It has been a little rough - I miss being able to bribe Logan with an episode of "SuperWhy" or "Backyardigans" and I HATE that I am missing "So You Think You Can Dance?" since that is one of my FAVORITE shows, but other than that, it has been quite nice. Darren started reading the Da Vinci Code, (he doesn't read too often...studying has been enough for him!) Anyway - He got really into it and then I had no one to hang out with at night, so I started reading "Angels and Demons" and we were both just reading like crazy for the past few nights. We both finished now (They are both EXCELLENT books by the way - Probably 2 of my very favorites!) and so now we are back to being bored, although my sister came up today and left me her computer and for some reason, it will pick up an internet signal, so I have now wasted about 3 hours catching up on the internet... Maybe I would be better off without it....

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