Monday, December 31, 2007

Our Christmas!

We had a great Christmas! It was so much fun now that Logan is a little bigger and actually understands the concept of getting presents and was so excited for everything! We went to see some fun Christmas lights at the park near my parent's house the night before Christmas Eve and both kids loved it! Logan thought it was so fun - especially since they had dinosaurs and trains and all sorts of stuff. Rylee had been fussy all night, but as soon as we got there, she was in heaven! She loved the lights and was wide-eyed and took it all in! She was babbling away and was so excited!

We spent Christmas Eve with my family. We had planned to drive to Darren's parents house in the afternoon, but we ended up having to do lots more wrapping than we thought and a huge storm hit and we didn't want to leave. It was snowing like crazy! I kind of think it is fun to spend Christmas Eve snowed in - It feels kind of cozy and Christmas-y for some reason to me! It was nice not to be running around like crazy too. We were able to see some friends, too, which was really fun. For Christmas Eve, we had the big yummy dinner and then read the Nativity story. I had Logan use a little Nativity to follow along with the story so he'd pay attention a little more. I think it helped a little - My siblings are now too old and "too cool" to act out the Christmas story, and we don't have enough in our family to really make it work yet, but that is a tradition I would like to have someday. Then we opened up the Christmas PJs and by then the kids were ready for bed!

Christmas morning was SO fun! It was a long day of opening gifts - maybe a little too long! Logan didn't really get any big items, so instead Santa got him a lot of small things - I don't think Santa realized how many small things he had, until he unloaded the stack! Logan must have been a very good boy this year - There were a lot of gifts! Logan started out really excited, but after awhile every time we'd get a present, he'd cry and cry, "I don't want to open another present!" He just wanted to play with the things he'd already opened! It literally took all day to open all their gifts - They may have been a little spoiled, not only from Santa but also from Grandparents and all of my siblings also got them a gift, so they had lots to open! We had to open presents in shifts with a few different breaks and finished the last stack at 9 pm! It was crazy! We went to Darren's families house in the afternoon and had a lot of fun. His whole family was there for at least a little while. Logan and Rylee both LOVE being around all their cousins and always have so much fun there!

Rylee had a great first Christmas - She loved opening the presents and everything she got went straight into her mouth! She ate lots of wrapping paper and tasted every present! She was so funny! She got a few movies and books, some clothes and small things and LOVED her Princess flip phone and Princess soccer ball. She also got a stuffed Eeyore that she loved and a Cinderella baby doll that she was very excited about! She was talking to it and poking it in the eyes as soon as she opened it. Her big gift was a Fisher Price Little Superstar Stage - It looks a little like a small vanity, but has musical instruments and lights around it and it lights up and plays music when you push the buttons. She LOVES it - especially that she can see herself in the mirror! She also got some fun toys from both Grandmas and a Pink Carebear from Uncle Dean that she is crazy about! She was giving it kisses and talking to it - It was so cute! She held up pretty well with all the Christmas traveling and chaos of the day and had a lot of fun.

Logan had a bit of a Cars Christmas - It is one of his favorite movies and he got lots of Cars toys! He ended up with a Lightning McQueen, a Cars racetrack, a Cars blanket, a Cars t-shirt, a remote control Mater and a car mat that has little roads and stuff for Logan to drive all of his new cars on. He also got a Backyardigans pirate ship, a stuffed Buzz Lightyear, a soccer ball, and a little tool bench. He also got several books and movies and clothes and some little baby shin guards from Dad that he loved putting on and kicking his soccer ball around and telling us he was David Beckham. He got some new child friendly games too since he has been so obsessed with playing games lately, and lots of fun toys from Grandmas and aunts and uncles. He was a little overwhelmed with all his new stuff but had a great day! He was so tired by the time we were finished!

Darren and I had a great Christmas too. We got the game of Life: Twists and Turns and have been obsessed with playing it since Christmas! It is lots of fun for any of you board game lovers. My brothers also got Guitarhero, which has also been lots of fun to play - Logan LOVES to jam! We also got a new DVD player for the car since ours went out on our last trip home and it is a long drive without one! Darren got me a really cool picture frame and some clothes and High Speed Internet - Hooray! Although, I may feel a little too guilty about it to actually go through having it all set up. I gave Darren some indoor soccer shoes, an MP3 player and the Planet Earth DVD series. We ended up with lots of other great new stuff too and really enjoyed our Christmas - especially seeing how excited our kids were and having fun with them! It was a really great day!

Here are some more pictures of our Christmas....
We went to see the lights at the park by my parent's house one night while we stayed there. They have the big lights shaped like animals and Logan loved it!

Rylee at the lights

Christmas Eve....
Renny and Great-Grandma Pauline
Jay, Heather and Grandma Boman
Great Grandpa spent a couple weeks over Christmas at my parent's house. He had been staying at Ric's house, but they went to see some of their kids for the holidays. It was nice having him there to celebrate with us. Seeing him so sick is really hard for us though.
Grandpa Boman
Logan and Uncle BradMommy and RyleeLogan acting out the Nativity with Grandma's Little People set. He really liked the angel! Rylee liked it too... Singing Christmas songs. Opening Christmas PJs
The boys playing video games

Uncle Kyle and Uncle Jeff

Christmas Morning!!!
Logan loved all the stuff in his stocking. He probably could have just stopped there! Rylee emptying her stockingMore present opening... Logan loves his Winnie the Pooh movie!
Logan driving his new cars on his cool mat.
A new soccer ball!!!
Rylee likes her phone
Looking at books with Uncle Dean
Rylee got a Princess soccer ball!

Rylee really liked the wrapping paper, too.

Logan LOVED his Buzz!!!

Looking at new books...
Rylee and her Eeyore
Christmas Morning Meltdown!
Rylee loves her very first baby doll - a Cinderella!

A Lightning McQueen!!! Just what Logan wanted!

Avery giving her baby kisses. Or mouth to mouth.
Rylee LOVES the mirror on her new toy!
Hugs for Buzz!
All the kids and grandkids after we finished presents. With Grandma and Grandpa, too. Assembling Logan's new tool benchLogan trying out Guitar Hero with Uncle DeanPlaying soccer in his new shinguards with his ballUncle Dean gave Avery this cute pink CareBear and she loved it! A Buzz Lightyear car from Uncle Dean

Christmas With the Webber'sLogan loved his new Lightning McQueen racetrack! Rylee and her new toy
Logan playing with cousin Haley
Cute Logan - He got Cory's date to tickle his tummy so he was pretty happy...

After having fun with our cousins for awhile, we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa Boman's. Logan really had a good time trying out the boys new Guitar Hero game.
Merry Christmas!
Another family picture with all the kids and grandkids
All the kids and Grandkids with Great-Grandpa.