Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sweet and Sassy Rylee

Last, but not least are some pictures of my sassy girl, Rylee! These turned out SO cute!!! I love them! These are her 2 1/2 year old pictures. Since I know most people do not want to read the volumes that write on my blog, I will just post her pictures and add some info about Rylee later. Enjoy!
My favorite!!! I love those eyes!

One of her many silly expressions! Rylee is a girl of SO many faces!!! She has an "attitude" face, Blue Steel and about a million others, including a MEAN scuzzy and a smile that can melt your heart!

This is another one of my favorites.

Love her lashes!!!

This is what she does when you tell her to "show me your smile" - she points to it! Funny girl!!!

I love her happy face!

Rylee adds so much spice and personality to our family! She is always going and is so funny and has more personality in her than we know what to do with! She is a very independent girl who knows what she wants and is so funny! She has quite the imagination and can play on her own forever and loves to organize things in her own little way. She can line up her little people over and over again and keep herself entertained. She also loves to pack things up into her many purses and tote them around the house. She is ALL girl and loves clothes, shoes and anything pink and purses and babies and Princess stuff and all of that but can tackle her brother and dad and is about as tough and rough and tumble as they come as well. She is so smart and loves to sing her ABC's and "read" to us and wants to learn everything Logan is and pretends to write her name and do everything just like he does. She loves her big brother and is a great big sister, too. Her eyes can melt your heart and even when she is being sassy and into trouble (which is sometimes a lot...) it is SO hard to get mad at her! We love our sassy miss!!!


Noelle said...

Wow! Those pictures are gorgeous. I will have to find out who your photographer is because your pics are amazing...of course she/he had some pretty good models to work with!:)

Jami said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't believe how big she is now. I love her outfits and hat.

Clark Family said...

LOVE!!!!! Rylee is stinkn' so cute! I think these really show her personality well!

Karmann said...

wow!!! All the pictures are so beautiful!! I love the ones of logan and the two of them together! So cute Brooke!!! you are one lucky mom!!! Love and miss you!!!