Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Update

Today I went to the Dr for another baby appointment. It was your standard, boring appointment of pee in a cup and all of that. (Next appointment is Glucose!!!) Everything looks great with Baby #3. (Who has yet to be named and Darren informed me today that we are not discussing names until at least September, so she will remain unnamed for awhile....) I am now at about 24 weeks, and am measuring right on. I have gained 7 lbs so far, but feel MUCH larger for some reason. I think my stomach is extra stretchy the third time around! Because of that, I don't think I'll be posting any belly pictures.
The baby has started to be much more active. I don't feel her much during the day, but at night, I think she does somersaults because she is all over the place! She seems to be nocturnal, which might be a bad sign. Darren was able to feel her move for the first time at 21 weeks (May 21) and can now feel her all the time. Logan always wants to feel her, but she is never moving until he is asleep. He tells me he feels her moving all the time, though, so I guess as long as he THINKS he is, we are good. Rylee is VERY anxious for the baby to "come out" and asks constantly if the baby is coming out today. She was VERY upset that she wasn't able to go and "see the baby" today at my appointment since my last appointment was the ultrasound and she "saw" the baby on the screen. She is also still convinced she also has a "baby in her tummy".
Here are a few of the cravings I've had so far with baby #3: Taco Bell or any sort of bean and cheese burrito (this is always my biggest craving! Weird, because I usually don't really like Taco Bell...), Slurpee's or Smoothies or Sonic Slushes (Happy Hour is great there!), Jelly Beans, Mike and Ikes or other fruity candy or Popsicles, Cafe Rio, and Ramen Noodles (mostly around 11 at night....). I'm sure I have a few more, but that is all I can think of at the moment. I have noticed with Logan I loved chocolate and other stuff, but with the girls, I like Fruity and sweet stuff. Since I am scheduled for a C-Section at 39 weeks, I now have 24 weeks down and only 15 to go!!!


Annie said...

I don't know about you, but time is flyin' by for me. I am so excited that girl #2 is on the way, we will have to make it out to see you guys again in the near future.

Clark Family said...

Didn't you crave taco bell with Logan too??! I can't believe she'll be here so soon!! :) Very exciting time!! It'll be so fun to see the kiddies with her. She'll have the best brother and sister. (and aunt, uncle and cousin!)

Clark Family said...

Oh and if you're scheduled for 39 weeks, is that the 25th?? It's a pretty good day, I must admit.

Brooke :) said...

We are so excited for you. We need to get together soon. It has been forever since we hung out!

Brooke :)