Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Better Late than Never Easter Pictures

We had a really fun Easter weekend (2 months ago!!!) It was the first Easter that both of our kids were really into the Easter bunny and coloring eggs and all that goes with it. It was also the first Easter that Logan was able to grasp the concept of what Easter is really about and about the resurrection. He even gave the BEST talk in Primary the week after Easter about his Great-Grandpa who passed away, but he doesn't have to be sad all the time because of Jesus and the Resurrection. It may have been the cutest Primary talk ever!!! I was such a proud mom! Here are some of our many photos of our Easter festivities!
On Thursday night (April 9th), we dyed Easter eggs and the kids were both REALLY excited, as you can see! Logan even helped get all the colors set up and we all had a fun time coloring eggs!Here is Rylee and Daddy all ready to color eggs. I made the kids wear old shirts over their clothes to lessen the damage of the dye! This might be the worst ever picture of me, but here is proof that I was there, too!
Logan liked making designs on his eggs with the white crayon. He did a great job with all of his eggs and even wrote his name on one all by himself!This is one of my favorite pictures! One of the eggs got dropped and cracked (actually, a few didn't make it to the dye...) and Rylee REALLY wanted to eat it when Darren peeled it for her. She really liked the first few bites, but when she made it to the yolk, she changed her mind about it! She tried to spit it out, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth and it was so dry it was sticking to her mouth all over! She kept pulling the funniest faces and was trying so hard to get it out by spitting and with her hands. It was hilarious!!!Rylee was much more into the dying process than I expected her to be. She is doing pretty well with her colors now and loved making lots of PINK eggs!
Rylee is full of funny facial expressions and would pull the funniest and most interested faces every time Darren took an egg out of the dye! She was quite fascinated by the whole color process!
Rylee loved her pretty pink egg Daddy made her with her name and a Princess crown on it!Logan showing off his egg with his name on it. He made LOTS of eggs!Logan was pretty proud of his basketball egg, too! The kids with their finished eggs. I LOVE those faces and how proud they are of their eggs!!!

Friday, we spent the day at Baby Animal Days, which I already posted about, but it was a perfect family Easter activity and we had so much fun! Then Saturday (April 11th), the Easter Bunny paid us a visit! (We have arranged for him to come to our house on Saturday. I think Sunday is too hard with church, especially since Darren had meetings and I like to separate the "real" meaning of Easter and the bunny stuff...) When the kids woke up and came in our room, I told Logan I thought that the Easter bunny had come, and he said "No mom, that is tomorrow." He just wanted to lay in our bed and hang out, but I finally conviced him that the bunny had visited and maybe he should go downstairs and see if his basket was full. Logan finding the eggs - He wasn't too happy the Easter bunny had "made a mess" with all of his eggs, but he and Rylee had lots of fun finding them. The Easter eggs weren't too hard to find in our tiny townhome so the kids were done pretty quickly and I didn't get too many pictures of the hunt. Rylee managed to find a few before her big brother got to them... She LOVED finding them and was so proud of herself when she did!
The Easter baskets were a little harder to locate! Logan almost claimed my basket because he wanted to give up on finding his, but he was finally able to find it and he was sure excited about it!
Logan's basket had these paddles that Logan had been looking at EVERY TIME we went into a store lately and he was SO happy about it! He said, "Wow! The Easter bunny brought me EVERYTHING!!!" It was too cute! He was so pleased with each little discovery in his basket!
Logan and his basket!!! He LOVED his paddles and his Buzz Lightyear kite! He also got lots of candy and a few little toys (he really liked his mini Etch-A-Sketch!) and some shoes and a shirt for spring!
Ry loved her basket as well! She got a Little People Pet Salon and thought the blow dryer that made noise was great! She also got an Elmo kite, and a few little toys and candy and some shoes and a spring shirt! Rylee's favorite thing was the jellybeans! She would dump them out of her plastic eggs all over the house and we were finding them for days!!!Logan and Daddy testing out his "Tennis" paddles!
Darren and I got some special baskets, too! Mine was full of Peanut Butter M&Ms and Jellybeans to satisfy my a few of my pregnancy cravings!!!
Darren's was full of Reese's treats and the new Rascal Flatts CD!
I made the kids take a couple pictures in their new Easter clothes before we headed to Grandma's for the Easter Egg Hunt and they got all dirty! They both look cute in different pictures, so here are a few -
Rylee in her new ORANGE shirt!

I LOVE this picture of Logan! I rarely get good pictures of him anymore! I think he must be getting to the "too cool" for pictures stage! He will never sit still long enough or he pulls silly faces! This one turned out pretty good though.
Rylee fell asleep in the car on the way to the Grandma's house. She loves to sleep with her hand up by her face. She even poses in her sleep!

We spent Saturday afternoon at the Webber's for the big Easter Egg Hunt with all of the cousins. It was a lot of fun! We called it the "Socialist" Easter Egg hunt because Grandma made had all the kids put all the eggs they found into one big basket and then split them up evenly. It was great because there was no fighting and even the little kids got plenty of eggs, too.
The kids running around trying to find a few eggs before they are gone!Most of my pictures came out really blurry for some reason - Logan must have been moving really fast with those eggs!
Here is Logan with a whole armful of eggs!Rylee even managed to find a few eggs, too.It was a good thing Grandma split up the eggs because Rylee got bored of the eggs after a few minutes and was off to the slide! If they wouldn't have shared, she wouldn't have gotten any!Logan and his basket from Grandma Webber
Rylee checking out her basket. She left the slide once she saw the baskets and heard there was more candy! Rylee and her basket
This is Rylee with her cousins Hayden and Liam. Hayden is 2 weeks older than Rylee and Liam is 4 weeks younger, so they are really close. It has been fun to watch them grow and start to play together! Hopefully, someday they will be good friends - Rylee mostly just bosses them around right now!
Logan and a bunch of his cousins out in Grandma's backyard. They have so much fun playing all together! Katey, Chloee, Haley, Cambree, Lauren, Logan and Mason

Most of the crew ended up hanging around until dinner time, so we all went out for pizza together! We are quite the crowd when we go with the Webber's!All the little girls sat at one table and Rylee just HAD to join them! She is so funny!Rylee loves her cousin Raegan and follows her everywhere! They are SO funny together!Sunday, the kids wore their new Sunday clothes and we managed to make it to church on time, or close to it, which is an Easter miracle! I would have made it in plenty of time, but I tortured the kids with more photos! It takes so many shots to get a good one of both of them, and it rarely happens anymore!
Rylee looking like a Princess! She loves her new dress and accessories!
Logan in his new Easter shirt - He got a little ripped off since Rylee got a whole ensemble(it was for her birthday, too), and all he got was a shirt, but I couldn't find what I had in mind for him except online, and I ran out of time to order something. Man, do I wish we had a Children's Place or Target nearby!!! He doesn't care anyway... He is still happy about his candy and paddles!
Handsome dude!Sweet girl
This is my favorite one of Rylee
I made the kids take a few more pictures after church, too. They went a little better with help from Daddy. He can always get a smile or laugh from them.

A family picture!

It takes a couple tries to get us all looking at the camera.... I like that Rylee has her arm around Logan in this one.

After pictures, we headed to my parent's house for a yummy Easter dinner! It had been 4 years since we had an Easter dinner with family, and it was something we missed while in Vegas. We all had a great time! We love spending time with our families! I took a few more pictures of Logan after Aunt Heather gave him a haircut. He looks so handsome! He was having so much fun with Grandpa and his uncles, it was hard to get him to stop for a picture!
Love those eyes!!!
It was a great Easter and we loved the chance to celebrate with family after being away for the last 4 years! I love Easter and spring time!!!


Clark Family said...

Fun pics!

Karmann said...

Seriously Brooke you do such a great job with pictures and documenting! Your kids are going to love you so much someday when they have all of this to look back on! I love it! Reading it and looking at the pictures always makes me so sad cause it makes me miss you guys so much! Hard to believe it has been a year already since I last saw you! :( Looks like you had a great Easter and love the shots of the kids in their outfits!!! Love yoU!

Mical said...

hey, will you email me again? I accidentally deleted your email and i never sent you a blog invite.

Jami said...

I love the pictures. Rileys hair is so cute in her Easter picture. They are getting so big.