Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rylee at 2!

I have the greatest intentions for these sort of things, but just never seem to get them finished! I have been thinking of little things about Rylee that I want to remember about her at 2 years old for awhile, but have been so busy with moving and the new baby and a little vacation and everything else, I haven't gotten around to it. So - Here are some things (ok...a lot of things!)about my sweet Rylee at 2 years old:
This is Rylee at her 2 year well-check on March 30. She was such a big girl and did so great! I took just her and she thought it was a fun little outing for the two of us. She knew exactly what to do, thanks to her "Elmo's Checkup" book and was ready for the doctor to check her heart, ears, eyes and tummy. She was expecting him to check her tummy like Mommy's doctor though - So funny! She didn't have to get any shots, either, so she was one happy girl!

Here are her 2 year stats: (The paper from the Dr is still in some random box, so I haven't found it yet. I will have to come back and update this, but if I wait to post it until then, it may never happen!)
Weight: 25 lbs
Height: ???

Here are some of Rylee's favorite things at 2 years old - her binky, babies (doll or real), purses and diaper bags, shoes and dressups, the color pink, The Backyardigans, Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Cinderella, going to the store (or anywhere!), anything Princess, her brother Logan, the new baby, playing outside, our "new house", her big girl bed, bugs and dirt, her bike, dogs, playing pretend, books (her favorites are Fancy Nancy), the phone, camera, her play kitchen, her family and friends, her little chair, fruits and vegetables, bananas, pickles, fruit snacks, coloring, Play-doh, trips to the bank and suckers, singing songs, dancing, 'Nastics (gymnastics - she likes to stretch her legs up to touch her head), tickling, teasing, laughing, Ring-Around-The-Rosies, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

This post is quite lengthy - I can't seem to do these things without lots of detail, which hopefully my kids will someday appreciate in their baby books! Most of you will probably just want to look at the pictures, though....

Rylee is getting so smart! She can tell you her name, how old she is and her mom and dad's names (Darren and Brooke) and where she lives. For awhile, she would say that her name was "Rylee Scott Webber" probably because that is Logan's middle name and we call his full name when he is in trouble. I thought that was too cute! She also knows her colors really well now and can get them all right most of the time and she picks out PINK everywhere we go! She can count to about 11, although there is always one or two numbers missing (never the same ones for some reason), and she is starting to be interested in her ABC's and is getting close to saying them all. She also loves to color and draw and is always saying letters while she is drawing, like she is writing something or she tells us that she is drawing one of us. She likes to pretend that she is writing her name and says "R - E - E - E - E..." Rylee also has started to potty train - When Logan was learning back in January, she was really interested and for awhile in February, she was going to the potty once or twice a day. She would tell me she needed to go and everything. Since then, she has lost interest and with moving and my pregnancy, I haven't had enough energy to push her on it. She has started to show a little more interest though and went in the potty today (June 15), so hopefully we are back on track! I have learned it is SO much better not to bother before they are ready, so I will leave it up to her, but I would love to have only 1 baby in diapers when the new one arrives. Rylee also has a really funny trick that seems to be very entertaining at parties! She can WINK!!! It is SO cute and everyone always cracks up at it! She squeezes both eyes shut and then opens one. She can do it with both eyes, which I think is pretty impressive since I can't. It has to be one of the cutest things you will ever see!

Rylee is still our tiny little girl. She is long and lanky - We call her our Skinny Minnie! She has now gotten all of her teeth - Her 2 year molars have been coming in. She got 1 in April, 2 in May and the last one in June. She was pretty ornery with those coming through so I am so glad that they are now all in! Rylee also has some of the CRAZIEST hair! It is getting really long, but we call it her cavewoman hair - It is always crazy by the end of the day, no matter how hard I try to do it! Whenever she wakes up, her hair is everywhere! She must do some crazy sleeping! Rylee says a lot of funny things - We love the way she uses her pronouns - Everything is "Him do it" or "Her is nice" - She never uses he or she. She also says "I yike it" or "I don't yike it" all the time, and one of my favorites is "That's my favorite. I love it", and she must have a lot of favorites because she says it all the time! I also love the way she yells Logan's name all over the house. Lately, she has also been saying "real quick" a lot, like "come here real quick" or "I do it real quick". She also says "OK" a lot, but she says it really sassy, like "Ok, Ok, I'm doing it" or "Coming!" really frustrated when we call her. She also always says "no, I busy" if she doesn't want to do something, and "just a sec". She also says, "I just turted", (tooted), or if I ask her if she is poopy, she will say "No, just a turt". Some other favorite phrases are "I just joking" or "I just being silly!" or "I silly, huh Mom?" The other day was probably one of the funniest things I have heard her say, though. We were out to eat and they brought us the bill and she took it and told Darren "I need the predit card to pay" with her hand on her hip, of course. It was so funny!!! Better watch out when they are asking for the "predit card" at age 2! Rylee also has a really funny, growly voice that she uses to say some things. It is so silly - It sounds a little scary for such a little girl. We call it her old man voice. She uses it to do her aggie cheer or talk like a pirate or a lot of other things.

Rylee has started to talk.... a LOT!!! Seriously, she never really stops! She is chatting non-stop! I love it, but sometimes I could use a break from all the chattering! When the Dr asked me if she said 50 words and if she could put 2 or 3 words together, I had to laugh because the girl is talking in paragraphs all of a sudden. The funny thing is she talks like a little adult - She starts lots of sentences with words like "actually" and "probably". She can carry on full conversations and is quite the little negotiator. She ends most sentences with "Ok?" with her head cocked to the side because she is trying to talk you into something and hopes you will just go along with it. She also says "Someday" a lot - Like if she suggests we go to Grandma's and I tell her not today, she replies "Someday". She is such a little sponge and I hear her repeating things I say to her all the time. For instance, her dolls are constantly being put in time out and then she goes in and gives them the whole speech - "Why are you in time out? Oh...you hit." (Her babies ALWAYS hit! Maybe that is because Rylee has a hitting problem....) She talks in the funniest little voice all the time - I love it! She also has the most dramatic facial expressions and hand gestures and half the time, I don't even have to hear what she is saying to know what she is talking about because she is so expressive. When you read to her at night, she just keeps talking and talking, even while you read and when I finally sing to her, she is still talking to me. Even when I am leaving the room, she is asking where I am going and what I am doing. She can't stand to think that we are downstairs doing something when she is asleep. She hates to miss anything. She always asks if we are going downstairs to the couch - she is so funny!
Rylee is my Little Mommy! She totes at least one baby everywhere she goes and is always loading her diaper bag, taking her babies places in their strollers or her shopping cart, changing their diapers, and all the mommy stuff! She has lots of mommy phrases like "Baby Stinky! PU!" and "Ohhhh...Her sad!" or "Baby hungry. Her crying" and she loves for me to help her wrap her babies or feed them or burp them.She is quite excited for the new baby to come and asks me all the time when the baby is coming out. I started getting out some of the baby stuff recently and she LOVES going through it all and telling me how cute it is! Whenever I can't find her, she is probably in the baby's room getting out some clothes or baby accessory! I hope the poor baby survives this all! She also loves to be Logan's mommy and is always telling him to wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom, or get his shoes, or echoing whatever I say. She is quite bossy with him, but he is pretty good to deal with her. Here is Rylee's last night in her crib in April. And her first night in her big girl bed! She started sleeping in her big girl bed in April when we moved and is doing great!!! She sleeps through the night without any problems and has only gotten out of her bed once or twice ever at bedtime. She will cry sometimes and try to get an extra song out of us, but for the most part she is really good. (She loves me to sing "Heavenly Father Loves Me"). She still sleeps with her pink minky dot blankie, her Eeyore, her sip and her binky and can not handle it if any of them are missing! Our routine is we say prayers (which she does so cute! She is pretty good most nights and says some really funny things - She loves to name EVERY family member in her prayers and can go on and on), read 2 books, sing a song and goes to sleep! When you are leaving, she always has to remind us "Door open, light on!" She has to have her door open and the hall light on to sleep - A couple months ago, she was having the hardest time getting to sleep at night and she started talking well enough to tell us she wanted the light on and the problem was solved! Isn't it nice when they can communicate what they want? Naptime is another story! She usually takes one nap a day after lunch, but now that Logan doesn't nap too often, she HATES going down for naps and some days, I end up giving up. The easiest way to get her to sleep is to go for a quick drive in the car, or a lot of days, she will just end up crashing on the couch. Whatever works, I guess.

Rylee is my Binky Baby! She LOVES her binky and can't stand to be without it! We are always having to tell her to take her binky out so we can understand her because she will just talk with it in. Whenever she is tired, sad or if we are in the car, she has to have a binky! She actually likes to carry around one or two and switch them out and she stashes them around the house. If she wants one and can't find one, she will ask for one and if I tell her I don't have one, she says "in your pocket!" We have been trying to keep them just for bedtime, but sometimes it is not worth the fuss! I wanted to get rid of the binky before baby, but I think I waited too long and now I think we are going to have to wait until after the baby, or I think we will just have a relapse when the baby arrives.

Rylee has always been the biggest mommy's girl, but lately she has become more and more of a daddy's girl! It is nice sometimes, but sometimes it makes me a little sad! She loves her daddy and can't wait for him to come home to play with her! When he comes home she is SO excited and either runs to greet him at the door, or "hides" so she can surprise him. When Darren leaves for work, the kids HAVE to give him a hug, a kiss and a joke. (sometimes they have to repeat it a few times....) I don't know where this started, but it is a ritual and if one of them doesn't get to, there is usually a total melt-down. Rylee's favorite joke is "Princess"! That's it - Just the word Princess and then she laughs and laughs - so silly! Rylee also has quite a special relationship with Grandpa Boman - She has him completely wrapped around her little finger! Whatever she says, he does! Even if he doesn't really want to, or is in the middle of something, he will still just do whatever she says! She LOVES to go out in the garage and pretend to drive his car or play on the swingset and she knows if no one else will take her outside, Grandpa will! She seems to know how to work her cuteness to get what she wants out of most people!

Rylee is such a tease and she LOVES to tease Logan! Logan doesn't handle teasing very well, and Rylee knows it and uses it to her advantage. She will tease him until he cries and thinks she is just so funny! She really knows how to get to him. They do play so cute most of the time, but they also can get each other pretty worked up! She also is a screamer and has been since she was born. Logan used to get in trouble for taking toys from Rylee, but after awhile, I learned that she would take the toys from him, hold it way out of his reach and run and scream like he was trying to take it from her. She is a sneaky little girl sometimes! Rylee also loves to tickle and be tickled and chase. She also loves to be silly and dance or do 'Nastics and stretch her toes up to touch her head!
Rylee is ALL girl!!! I don't always know what to do with that, since I myself am not especially girly! She loves shoes and her bows and any type of accessory and seems to know just how to sling her purse over her shoulder and trot around the house. She likes to dress up in just about anything and loves heels and jewelry. She likes to say she is going to the store to "buy milk" or other things and take her diaperbag and put her baby in her shopping cart or stroller and pretend she is shopping. Rylee loves to sit on the counter while I do my makeup and do hers, too. She is not happy if I try and give her other things to pretend to use as makeup, either - She wants the real thing. She even pretends she is putting in contacts and puts her finger in her eyes just like I do. She also likes glasses and is always telling Darren and I that we need to go put our glasses on or asking where they are if we don't have them on. Rylee also loves keys and likes to tell us she is leaving and then use the keys to drive in her "car", which is usually just under the table, or in one of our cupboards.
Here is Rylee pretending to be a dog - I thought it was so funny that she put shoes on her hands! Rylee is great at pretending! I can't believe all the things she comes up with at only 2 years old! Sometimes it is as simple as assigning us all to be someone else. We have great friends that we hang out with quite a bit and she will say, "You are Carlie, Dad is Robb, I am Livi and Logan is Ethan" or she will pretend she is her cousin, Raegan. It cracks me up! She also loves to be a dog and is always Lola (my sister's dog) and likes to play fetch and be scratched behind the ears. She is always telling Logan what to do to be part of her make believe. She also LOVES to play in her kitchen and pretend she is making cakes or having tea parties and makes us all dinner all the time. She also LOVES to pretend she is a waitress and take our orders. She carries around a little pad and pen and says "What you want? Pasa (pasta)? Pizza?" (I don't think she would make great tips...she is quite demanding!) She is pretty funny! And if you order the wrong thing, she lets you know. She is also always talking about her "office" and will always ask Darren "You have patients?" She also LOVES to hide! The funny thing, is she doesn't really hide...She just covers her face with her hands and peeks through her fingers and tells us "I hiding!" She can be standing in the middle of the room like that and totally think she is hiding from us! She loves to do it at the store, too - She will run away to another aisle, stand in the center of the aisle with her face covered, and think that I will never find her! Hilarious!
Rylee LOVES her family! She is always SO excited to see her Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins and loves to play with them and talks about them constantly! It is really cute and I am glad that we moved to Utah so she could get to know them and get over her anxiety around them. Whever we have a family function, she has to go through and name them all and see if they will all be there. She also LOVES her brother and wants to do everything he does! He is very patient with her, most of the time, and they are starting to play so cute together. Rylee also LOVES to hold hands and demands it from people, and especially Logan, quite often!

Rylee LOVES to talk on the phone! She always is asking to call Grandma or Grandpa, or one of her aunts or uncles or friends on the phone. She is hilarious when she is on the phone, or pretending she is on the phone. She paces around like a teenager, with her hand on her hip and he head cocked to the side and carries on the funniest conversations! She always says "just hanging out" and "I'm just at my new house" and "What you doing?" Rylee is a rough and tumble little girl! She is always covered in bruises and scratches because she climbs on EVERYTHING and thinks she is as big as Logan! She loves our new house and our space and likes to find bugs on the patio and ride her bike, or run around. Rylee runs everywhere and always looks like she is about to fall, but she does pretty well most of the time. She also loves trips to the park and is completely fearless there! She will climb anything - even the spiderweb things that I am pretty sure are for bigger kids - She just climbs right up! She is quite adventurous! The other day Darren was taking rocks out of the yard, and you would think Rylee was in heaven - She was lifting these HUGE rocks and getting all muddy and loved every minute! She also can play football, boxing and wrestling and keep up with Logan pretty well - I guess that is what happens when you have a big brother!
Rylee has some beautiful big brown eyes and I love them! Everywhere we go, people make comments about her pretty eyes and eyelashes!
Rylee is quite an animated little girl - When she talks, she has the most expressive facial expressions and uses her hands so funny that it always makes me laugh! She also has some serious "attitude" and can pull quite the pouty face and can be quite dramatic with her temper tantrums. She has recently started putting her hands on her hips all the time! She is so sassy and walks around with so much attitude that we have to just laugh at her! (Probably won't be so cute when she is 14!) She is such a ham and LOVES to be the center of attention and to have her picture taken or be recorded on video and loves to see herself on the camera. She is also doing MUCH better with her seperation anxiety these days and is doing much better at playing with other kids and houses and going to nursery. Last week when I picked her up from nursery, she said "I not even cry!" she was so proud of herself! She loves coloring and snacks at nursery and singing songs. She also loves having friends come over and gets really excited about seeing her friends and family and talks about them all the time! Rylee also seems to remember everyone's names. We were sitting in church one week and she pointed to a little boy and said "There's Mason Mommy". I thought she was confused and thought it was her cousin Mason, but sure enough, I found out there was a Mason in her nursery class. She knew everyone's names in there!

Rylee is my little Miss Independent! She loves to do everything "by myself" and insists on it most of the time. She likes to read her books by herself at her own pace and turn the pages herself and she is pretty good at telling the stories to us. Rylee can pretty much dress herself and put her shoes on herself and loves to pick her own clothes, which can be a little crazy, and she insists on getting into our car and her seat all on her own. She also has a very strong opinion on most things and REALLY knows what she wants and lets us know it. She is quite determined when it comes to getting what she wants.
Rylee is quite the eater! Even though she is SO tiny, she is constantly eating and has the funniest taste! She has some really grown up tastebuds and all her favorites are fruits and vegtables and one of her very favorite foods is shrimp! When we have salad, she loves to go through and pick out all the tomatoes and cucumbers to eat with her dinner. We were out to eat with my parents, and Rylee picked all of the green peppers out of my mom's sweet and sour chicken. We also went to Maddox not that long ago for my dad's birthday and instead of her burger, Rylee wanted my Shrimp, steak and sauteed mushrooms! She is not going to be a cheap date! We also tried Tepanyaki with my family not that long ago and Rylee was in heaven! She LOVED all the veggies and noodles and ate more than any 2 year old I have ever seen! She is not a big fan of Peanut Butter and Jelly and will usually take the pieces apart to eat it and will usually disect her burgers too, eating her bread and meat seperate. She also still rarely uses silverware to eat, because she is not that patient, and is the MESSIEST eater I have ever seen!
As you can tell, Rylee keeps our family quite entertained and adds so much life and spice to our family with her fiesty personality! I can't imagine life without her! She has the cutest and most infectious smile and laugh and it is so hard to be mad at her, even when she is in trouble because she is so funny and sure knows how to work us! I can't believe that she is already two and doing so many things and that soon, she won't be the baby of our family anymore! We love our little Princess!!


Clark Family said...

Ahhh, how sweet!! She's such a doll!!!

Brooke :) said...

She is so cute! I'm going to post about the software that I use if you are interested in digi scrapping and if you are interested and want more info you can email me brookefreefamily@gmail.com.

Brooke :)

Jami said...

She is so beautiful. I love her blonde hair. It is getting so long. She is so photogenic. Just like her mom. I love your family pictures.