Thursday, January 15, 2009

Celebrating Six!

Right after Christmas, Darren and I celebrated our SIXTH wedding anniversary!!! It is a little hard to believe that that much time has gone by, but I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world everyday! I have been so blessed with such a wonderful husband, friend, and father to my kids who takes such great care of me and makes me laugh everyday! I LOVE YOU BABE!
Last year, we wanted to do something big to celebrate our 5th anniversary, but it didn't really work out! Rylee was a baby who didn't like being left with ANYONE and wouldn't take a bottle so going anywhere was out of the question. We wanted to go to dinner and a movie, but only made it to dinner. We ate at Outback Steakhouse and Rylee cried THE WHOLE TIME we were gone, so we felt too bad to go to a movie and cut it short. Now that Rylee is happy at Grandma's, we decided to take advantage of it and have a great anniversary just for us! It was FABULOUS!!!
We stayed at the Hilton in Downtown Salt Lake. My brother-in-law works for Hilton and got us a good deal, but we ended up with the wrong paper to check in with and they were SO RUDE!!! Just a note to anyone looking for a hotel, DON'T STAY THERE!!! I was NOT impressed!!! Anyway...We finally got checked in and planned to go to PF Chang's (one of our favorite restaurants) for dinner, but the wait was over 2 hours, so we decided to find somewhere else. The Melting Pot was around the corner and we got a reservation right away, so we tried there. WOW!!! It was AWESOME!!! If you haven't been there, GO!!! It is pretty expensive, but it was DELICIOUS!
Darren dipping in the cheese - This stuff was SO yummy I could have eaten it all day long!!!The BEST part was the dessert! WOW!!! It was AMAZING! The main course was really good, too, but I could have just had the cheese and dessert and been just fine! Here we are TOTALLY stuffed!
Darren and I walking back to our hotel. It was FREEZING outside! We were planning on going to a movie, but dinner took over 2 hours, so we decided to hit the hot tub instead. It was great! There was lots of entertainment - there was a big group who had been skiing all day who were SO drunk, with their kids, of course! They provided some good laughs...
The next day we went to PF Chang's for lunch. We got there a little before noon and there was only 1 other table in the whole place - It was kind of weird! The food was great, as always! I even discovered a new menu item - Walnut Shrimp!!! SO GOOD!

After lunch, we went for a couples massage! Neither one of us had ever had a massage before and it was heavenly! I did hurt the next day that normal??? They messed up our reservation at the massage place too and we almost decided not to do it, but I am glad we did! It was great!

Thanks again D for all you do and for a FABULOUS night out! (And thanks to everyone who helped with the kiddies!!!) It was a great anniversary!


Erica said...

All I have to say is your 6th anniversary sounds like heaven! I would love to get away with my hubby for a while! I've heard that the Melting pot is amazing. I've never had fondue, but and dying to try it. Looks like you guys had fun. For our 6th anniversay we'll probably order pizza or something lame like that. Cody just needs to get a stinking job so that we can actually do fun things!!!!

Clark Family said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! Sorry again about the retarded hotel. We're still trying to figure that one out.

Annie said...

How fun! I think Jon and I will totally copy you for our 7th that is coming in a couple months. I love all the pics, we need to get together soon. Jon won't stop bugging me to plan it so I better get on it...Right? I totally tried with the conferance but the boys said NO. :(*

Mical said...

I loved the Melting Pot too. We just went for the first time with some friends last month, and our bill was $240! Yikes. Congrats on six years!