Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

I am STILL so far behind on posting, but that is business as usual for me! We had a fun New Year's Eve. I will say that I think it is one of the most overrated holidays there is. Unless you are single or drink, what is there to do? Especially if you have little ones who aren't going to be staying up until midnight? (although ours made it pretty close...)
Anyway - We started our celebrations by going to the movie "Bolt" with our good friends, Robb and Carlie. The kids LOVED this movie! Darren and I thought it was pretty cute and funny, too. Logan talked the whole way through asking what was going to happen to the dog, and Rylee called it "The Doggie Show" the whole time.
The kids at the movie - Logan, Oliva and Rylee I think Logan had a little TOO much popcorn!

Darren had to go into the office for an emergency after the movie (my brother-in-law) so me and my sister hung out with the kiddies and then Darren made us all a yummy steak and shrimp dinner! It was great! Darren did get a pretty nasty burn while putting the steaks in from some splashing grease and it left a nice big mark for a week or two.
Rylee in her "baby seat" and Heather and JayRylee loved her dinner....even the shrimp!
Logan Logan telling me NOT to take his picture!Me and Darren

Next, we were off to the Aggies game! We are pretty lame to celebrate New Year's Eve by going to a basketball game, but it was pretty fun! It was the championship game for their holiday tournament and they beat Wyoming in OT. Rylee loves to wear her "aggie shirt" and cheer for the Aggies!
This is Rylee's new silly face! She makes it all the time and thinks she is hilarious!The game had a late start (8pm) and Logan didn't have a nap that day, so he was out pretty early on and slept most of the game. He did wake up for the OT. The fam!Rylee doing the Scotsman. She is getting pretty good at most of the Aggie cheers, but I think this one is her favorite! She also likes to yell, "Fight, Fight, Fight" and "Utah State - Aggies all the way!"
Rylee acted pretty tired most of the game, and then got SO hyper! She was running all over and clapping and cheering so funny! She didn't seem to mind that the game didn't get over until almost 10:30!
We got home a little around 11, and the kids were still awake but pretty tired! So we let them go out and bang pots and pans on the porch to ring in the New Year before bed. This is something we always did growing up and the kids had fun, even though it wasn't midnight yet! My mom recently revealed to me that I really never made it til Midnight either....She would turn the clocks ahead so that me and my friend Lyndsi (who slept over almost every New Year's) would think it was midnight and go to bed. So sneaky!!!Darren and I put the kids down and finished our New Year's Celebration by watching the ball drop on TV! Exciting, I know!!! We also had some "bubbly" or Martinelli's, which Darren decided to drink straight from the bottle! It was a pretty laid back, but fun, New Year's Eve!


Karmann said...

That was an eventful New Years! How fun! I love the banging of the pots and pans! How funny that your mom tricked you on that, that is such a good idea for later on! Cant wait to see the pictures from Ryan seeing you! He had such a good time! Miss ya!

Clark Family said...

The picture of me and Jay is aweful of me. I'm embarrassed!We went to bed as soon as we got home at like 9 or so. Not even close to midnight.

Jenn said...

Brooke- I found you! You are too cute. Love your kids.