Sunday, January 18, 2009

Girls Night Out!

After Christmas, I got together with a bunch of my girl friends from high school for a girls' night out dinner at Mimi's! It was so fun! I love seeing old friends and catching up. We seriously talked and laughed for 3 HOURS!!! (Good things that Mimi's wasn't busy that night....) I have so many great memories of these girls and loved seeing them again! We should make it a regular thing girls! My husband was great to watch the kids so I could go, even though it was our anniversary. (We celebrated the night before...) Here is the crew!
Melissa, Nat, Emily, Kirby, me and Jackie! (We missed you Lace!)


Unknown said...

Wow look at you good lookin' girls!! I can't believe we are so old. :) Glad you all had fun.

Wehrle said...

So fun! I am soooo sad I missd it! I will be there next to for sure!

Karmann said...

Got to loveve girls night out! Ryan sure loved seeing you guys! You will have to send me the pictures!! Love you!