Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Halloween

So, I know that November is now half over, but I really wanted to post our Halloween pictures - even if it is a little late! I thought our kids looked so cute in their little costumes and we had a lot of fun! On Monday, we got together with some friends for Family Home Evening and carved our pumpkins. We are pretty serious pumpkin carvers at our house! We were pretty inspired by the pumpkins we saw at Disneyland. There was a Buzz pumpkin we saw, so we brought home a picture of it and Darren decided to attempt it and it turned out really well. I did a pretty easy Mickey one to stay with the Disney theme. Logan loved carving the pumpkins and especially loved having a Buzz one!

Carving pumpkins with the White's
Logan and Daddy and their Buzz pumpkin
Buzz and Mickey
Buzz all lit up
We did a few other fun things for Halloween. On Halloween, I took the kids to a special Halloween storytime at the library. Logan loved it - especially wearing his Buzz Lightyear costume.

Logan at story time

I tried to do a little photo shoot in the afternoon with the kids in their costumes. It was a bit of a fiasco! Rylee loves having her picture taken and always smiles for the camers. She was pretty easy to get pics of, except for that she wanted to eat the pumpkin and now that she is crawling, she was a little harder to contain! Logan was all over the place and refused to smile for most of the time, but I finally got him to smile! Getting them both together was really hard, but after about an hour we finally got a few good pictures!
Aren't they so cute?

Rylee - our cute little lion! We borrowed this costume from her cousin Raegan.
Logan - Our Buzz! He has been SO excited to wear this costume!

We missed our ward Trunk-or-Treat while we were in California, so we went Trunk-or-Treating with some dental school friends. Logan loved trick-or-treating! He was very excited about all the candy - he just wasn't sure why people weren't just giving it right to him and why he couldn't eat it all right away.
I think if it were up to him, he would have preferred to just eat each piece of candy and then go to the next car and eat that candy. He also told me his basket was "too heavy" by the end and wouldn't carry it anymore! Afterwards, we had a little party at our friends. It was fun to see a lot of our friends that we don't see too often.

I don't think Rylee was too impressed with Trunk-or-Treating
Logan was amazed when he saw WOODY!
All done Trunk-or-Treating
The kids frosted cookies, which Logan LOVED! I think he only ate frosting though. We had a great night are we are still trying to get rid of all that candy!

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