Friday, November 16, 2007

On the Go!!!

Our little girl is definitely now on the go at full speed! She is crawling so well and can get herself anywhere she wants to go. She has been crawling for quite awhile (close to 2 months!). She has gone through several "unique" methods of crawling, and now has mastered the conventional crawl and is getting really fast!
She has also discovered a whole new world - She has started pulling herself up and now always wants to be standing. Now she can't sit still! If I have her on my lap, she pushes off and goes! She started pulling up about 3 weeks ago, and is now cruising along the furniture. It has been a rough couple weeks for her because she has been falling a lot. We have a tile floor and I hate to hear the THUD when she falls and hits her head! Sometimes she pulls up to things that are not too sturdy and when they move, over she goes! And until she has gotten the hang of walking along things, she took lots of spills. As soon as she pulled up to something, she would try and move - Her body would go, but her legs wouldn't and we would have another fall! I'm glad that she is getting better at it now - Her falls are fewer and farther between! It is so funny to see the differences between kids. Logan was so cautious - If he fell, he would wait quit awhile before he attempted something again. Rylee is quite the little daredevil - She falls and tries it again as soon as she is done crying! She is even venturing out more and more - She will have one hand on the couch and one hand on the chair and try and go in between and sometimes even lets go and stands alone! She really scares me sometimes, but she is very determined - which will be a very good quality for her to have someday, but maybe not when she is falling and hitting her head all the time!
Rylee has also started picking up lots of other things lately. I can't believe how much she is learning and so quickly. She loves to play peek-a-boo and it is so cute! She will hold a blanket way up over her head and then pull it down really fast and laugh and laugh! She has also learned to clap for herself and play pat-a-cake, which is so funny. And she also likes to do "SOOO BIG" and puts her hands way up over her head. She is also a little human vacuum - She will find any and everything on the floor and eat it immediately. And yesterday, she called me "Mama" for the first time! (It was in the middle of the night, so I wasn't as happy about it, but I was still pretty excited!) She is getting to be so much fun and really show her personality more and more. She is silly and is always screaming and screeching so loud! We really love her and watching her learn so many new exciting things!

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