Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Happiest Place on Earth!!!

We recently made a quick weekend trip to the Happiest Place on Earth - Disneyland - and had a great time! It turns out there are a few good things about living in Nevada...and one of those is Nevada Day! Darren had a day off and his parents offered to take us to Disneyland - Who can turn that down? We had a great time! I don't know if we will ever go back to Disneyland in the summer again! It is so much nicer in the off-season - no crowds, not too hot and for October, it was decorated all festive for Halloween, which was really fun! We are BIG Disney fans at our house so it was really exciting to be at Disneyland, even if we had just gone in June. We had all sorts of plans for what we wanted to do, but things didn't go quite that way. Logan was a bit of a stinker when it came to riding things! He cried on every ride we tried! He liked them all once we got on, but the beginning was always a little rough. His favorite thing of the whole day was the special Woody Halloween show. He loved meeting Woody afterwards and Grandpa even bought him a Woody hat. Logan then preferred to be called Woody for the rest of the day. He looked cute in his Woody hat! He also loved the petting zoo and all the neat pumpkins and meeting the other characters...especially Mickey Mouse! He LOVES MICKEY! When he saw him, he got all excited and said the magic words from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. ("Miska, Mooska, MICKEY MOUSE")

He also really liked watching Fantasmic. You would think after being afraid of Dumbo (we had to drag him kicking and screaming...I wish I had a picture!) he would have been terrified of the HUGE dragon and fire and everything, but he was very fascinated by all of it! He also really liked watching the fireworks. Of course, after the day was over, all he could talk about was the rides he rode (even though there wasn't too many since he cried so much...) and the fact that he didn't ride Peter Pan! (We tried to ride it several times, but he insisted he didn't want to. Then, of course, he woke up the next morning asking to ride it!) Rylee was so good. She also loved meeting all the characters and even gave Mickey a kiss, or at least sucked on his nose! She loved all the rides and having so much to look at and see. We all had a great day! Thanks for the fun trip Grandma and Grandpa! Yeah for Nevada Day!

Meeting some characters at the front gate - Logan could have stayed there all day!
Donald talked to Logan in his funny voice, so Logan wanted Pluto to talk to him, too.
The giant pumpkin at the front was something fun that we had never seen before.
Riding the Jungle Cruise - Logan wasn't too happy about it...
Rylee and Mommy on the Jungle Cruise
Meeting Jessie after the Toy Story show. Logan LOVED this part of our day!
In his new Woody hat!
Meeting Woody!
Rylee slept through the show, but she woke up in time to meet Jessie.
Our little cowboy playing at the petting zoo
He LOVED the animals. Can you tell?
Rylee eating a pumpkin
Cute girl!

Tigger! Logan walked right up to him and said, "Woo-Hoo-HOo-Hoo!"

Ready to watch the parade. I love this boy and his cute dimples!
Our family waiting for the parade. This was another of Logan's favorite things.
Logan was in awe when we met Buzz!
Logan LOVES reading the map!
Rylee at Minnie's house
Logan in Mickey's chair
Rylee loved Mickey and wanted to eat his nose!

Riding the carousel - Logan wasn't afraid of this ride!

Logan trying to pull the sword from the stone.

My cute Disney babies waiting for the fireworks to start
Having a little treat and waiting for the fireworks
Mommy and Logan waiting for Fantasmic to start! Logan loves watching Mickey battle the dragon!
Daddy and Logan watching the fireworks
Tired and ready to go home after a LONG and FUN day!
Taking a bath at our hotel the next morning.
Splashing in the Downtown Disney fountains before we headed for home.
We tried this headband on Rylee at the Disney store. Too cute!


Vanessa Boman said...

Your pictures turned out so cute! Looks like you guys had fun! Logan and Rylee are getting so big, even though I saw them just a few weeks ago, they look bigger! I'm excited to see you guys in a couple weeks!

April said...

These pictures are so cute!! Logan and Rylee are adorable-as always! I love this blog, it's so fun to have this connection with you guys! Can't wait to see ya in a few weeks for Turkey!!!

Jenn said...

That is so fun that you could just go down there for the weekend! We are taking Drew in March so we are excited!

Anonymous said...

Hey brooke,
I love how dedicated you are to blogging. I feel so updated on what it going on with you and your cute family. I think you resemble a dazzling katie holmes/cruise in many of these pictures. You look amazin'!
Becca jensen