Saturday, October 27, 2007


We visited
"The Happiest Place on Earth" yesterday and had a great time! (I am hanging out at our hotel today, trying to recover from a LONG day and have free internet access, so I thought I'd post this picture.) When you ride Buzz, they take your picture and then email it to you. Pretty high tech! I have a zillion more pics of Disneyland to post...ok maybe just 100 or so...but I forgot the cord for my camera, so this picture will have to do for now. We had a really fun day, although it was a little different than we planned. We didn't ride much - For some reason, Logan was petrified of EVERY ride! Even Buzz, which is his favorite! He cried when we got on that ride and I had to literally drag him and forcefully hold him on Dumbo. I think he might have cried getting on everything, but once we got going, he really liked them - I think he was just a little tired! Anyway - Buzz Lightyear is a really fun ride-If you haven't been, it is like a video game. They give you a gun and you can shoot targets through the ride and even keeps your score for you. (Notice I beat Darren....Of course, he had Logan's help, but I still claim victory!) Anyway - This was one of Logan's favorite things-even if there were some tears involved! He also got to meet Buzz and Woody and Mickey Mouse. There will be lots more of our Disney Day to come...

1 comment:

Doug and Dawn said...

Well it sounds like the happiest place on earth wasn't so happy for Logan. I am sure you had fun though. I love Disneyland and Doug really doesn't so I don't know when we will go again. Although we do live only 6 hours away from Disney world so I am trying to talk him into that. I too agree with the post below that your kids look a lot alike.