Saturday, September 29, 2007

Trip to Utah, Part 2

Here are the rest of our Utah pictures - well almost! I am blogging at a friend's since I still don't have high speed internet, and realized that I don't have all of my pics on my computer yet. I will probably post something about visiting the Hogle zoo still....It is pretty old news, but as one of my friend's blogs says, "It may be old news, but its still news!" (Thanks Annie!)

Anyway, I think most of these pictures are of Rylee. She is getting to be so cute and had so many cute outfits to wear in Utah so I took a lot of pictures of her. She is now FIVE months old! She also started pulling so many funny faces and I tried to capture a few of them. We spent most of the last week trying to meet up with everyone who we hadn't seen yet and hanging out with our families. We swam at Darren's parent's for Labor Day with most of his family and that was a lot of fun. We had such a fun trip - It was really hard to come home!
Rylee and Grandma
Our sweet Sleeping Beauty
Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Webber's for Labor Day
Daddy and Rylee hanging out poolside
Rylee trying to crawl
Silly face!
Rylee looking so cute! I love this cute little outfit!
While we were at Darren's parents house, my really good friend Melanie was able to stop by and visit! It was so fun to catch up and chat with her!!!


Jenn said...

Your blog is so cute I love all your slideshows. Those pictures of Rylee are so cute!

Doug and Dawn said...

Hey Brooke-
Your little girl Rylee is so cute. I'm so glad you guys have a blog so I can see how you are doing. Can you believe that you guys are almost done with school? That is so exciting. Do you know where you will end up? Doug is liking school. It's a little overwhelming right now because he is getting a bunch of new patients but it will be good experience. I really like it out here because there is so much to do. It doesn't feel like home though. I couldn't imagine staying out here when we are done. I would like to be close to family. It was good to hear from you. -Dawn