Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Brother and Sister...

One of my favorite things is to watch my kids interact with each other. It is so funny to watch them together and to see how they respond to each other. I am always trying to get cute pictures of them together but it is so tough with 2! They never seem to smile at the same time and Logan has a tough time holding Rylee so it can be tough to get cute poses...These ones turned out pretty cute though, I thought!

I love watching Logan be a big brother - He is usually so cute with Rylee and loves holding her and giving her hugs and kisses. He even has a special little high pitched voice that he uses to talk to her in that is very sweet...and a little funny! And he calls her Princess, which I also think is pretty funny! Today, he even helped me out while I made dinner by entertaining her for a little bit and helping her with her binky. I can't believe how big he is getting and how much he can do now! It seems like it wasn't all that long ago that he was the baby!

Rylee is getting so much bigger now and LOVES watching her big brother! She watches everything he does and thinks that he is hilarious! She is always so smiley when he is around and he can make her laugh by doing pretty much anything...or nothing at all!

Rylee is also starting to be pretty grabby and interested in Logan's toys and he is starting to be a little posessive of his things. This is really the first time that he has been bothered by her. He really does not like her touching his things and sometimes it even bothers him when she touches him. It seems a little early to start the "She's touching me!" and "She took my toy!" but it seems like that is the road we are already starting down now!

But, even the "Stop touching me!" is a little funny at times! And I wouldn't trade my kids for anything! They are so much fun and I love watching them grow and develop and become friends! I hope that they will be the best of friends for years to come....

1 comment:

Annie said...

I love those pictures! They almost look like twins even though Logan does look alot bigger. I also really like the wedding pics, they turned out really cute!