Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Sister's Wedding

My little sister Heather got married August 17th in the Salt Lake Temple. It was a really fun day and we loved being there for all the events. It was a little weird to see my little sister get married, but it was a really neat day. It was so great to be in the sealing with them and think back to my own wedding day (4 1/2 years ago) and all the incredible promises that you receive and what an amazing day it was! It made me want to get married all over again....To the same person, of course!
The temple was beautiful and we had a lot of fun playing around. Logan loved all the waterfalls - That and his uncles kept him very entertained! Waiting for the bride and groom to come out of the temple. Logan LOVES his uncles!! (Brad, Logan, Kyle and Jeff)Rylee - Poor little girl was getting impatient to eat! Daddy and Ry
Yeah for the new Mr and Mrs Clark! Logan had some kisses for Aunt Heather
Our cute little family at the temple! I wish my eyes weren't closed because I love this picture!
The traditional Temple pictures on the stairs.....
Our family! (With my grandmas)Our family
After lots of pictures, she was DONE!!!After our pictures were done, we wondered around the temple grounds for a little bit. The kids really liked being there. Logan especially liked the waterfall at the Conference Center! Logan and Daddy

Afterwards, we went to the luncheon for some yummy food and to enjoy more of our family.
Logan crashed the head table! Rylee sat on my Grandpa's lap and fell asleep. He is so good with babies and she looked so sweet in his lap. This is an especially big deal because Rylee is a major mama's girl and doesn't really go to anyone! It was amazing that she went to him and for that long and actually fell asleep. I think they share a special connection.

Their reception was very nice. It was a little bit crazy because of the weather - It rained off and on all day and their reception was in a backyard. There wasn't really a back up plan so it is a good thing the weather settled down! The weather ended up being OK, but a neighbor did flood their yard, so that was a little crazy. It resembled a swamp a little bit.... Everything was red and black - their colors. Rylee looked especially cute in the dress my mom made for her. Rylee and Mama

Our family all dressed up for the reception
And, like any reception, there were LOTS of pictures!Family PictureSistersHeather with Rylee and Logan
The bride and groom with all the boys - Logan, Darren, Kyle, Jay, Heather, Grandpa B, Brad, Dean and JeffMaids of Honor - Vanessa, Nicole, Heather, Candace and Me (Nicole and Candace are Jay's sisters)
Flower girls - Nicole, Vanessa, Amber, Jolley, Heather, Chelsey, Megan, Me and CandaceWedding party girls - Nicole, Candace and Linda (Jay's sisters and Mom), Heather, Grandma B, Vanessa, me and Rylee
Heather and Jay with the little boys - Logan, Jeff, Kyle, Heather, Jay, Camden and Brad (Camden is Jay's nephew)The wedding party boys - Jeff, Logan, Darren, Dean, Grandpa B, Heather, Jay, Jay (Jay's Dad) Kyle and Brad and Jay's brothers in the back and little baby Camden

It was really fun hanging out at the reception and seeing so many people that we hadn't seen for so long. It was a long night for the kids though, but they were really good! Logan loved playing with his uncles and Rylee loved seeing so many people and being ohh-ed and ahh-ed over.
I love this picture the photographer got of my mom and Rylee. Grandma loves showing off her grandbabies!
I tried to get some cute pictures of just Logan like I did Rylee but the backyard was much too fun to play in and he was having WAY too much fun with his uncles! I could never get him to hold still long enough for a good picture! It took a lot of work to keep him out of the stream! Rylee by the end of the night! Rylee, me and Heather before she headed off on her honeymoon! It was a beautiful reception and night and we are so happy for her!
Heather and Jay spent their honeymoon in the Virgin Islands - Tough life, huh? It was fun being a part of their big day and remembering how simple life used to be as a newlywed! We are very excited for them and know they will be great together! Welcome to the family Jay! We love you guys!
Here are some of the pictures from the day....I had SO many but these our my favorites!

1 comment:

jeavin blog said...

What cute red dresses! You can probably wear that one to the big gala at the end of the year!