Thursday, September 6, 2007

Backyardigan Birthday Bash!

Since I went back so far to start this blog, I thought I'd include a few other fun activites that we have had over this summer...even if they are a little outdated! In June, Logan turned 2 and we had a whole week of fun celebrating! I don't think Logan really seemed to care, but I have fun planning these things and might have gone a little overboard...

The day before his birthday we had a party for a few of his little playgroup friends. I'm not really sure what I was thinking having that many small children in our TINY condo, but it turned out OK. Since it is like a MILLION degrees in Las Vegas in the summer, it had to be an indoor party, so we had a little picnic in our living room and watched Logan's favorite episode of the Backyardigans, Surf's UP. (For all those who are not familiar with the Backyardigans, they are a Nick Jr cartoon and do lots of singing and some pretty hip dancing and Logan LOVES them! He is always singing some Backyardigans song....I don't mind them because they are not all that annonying and their dance moves are pretty sweet!) The party turned out OK, although I did come away with a pretty massive headache by the end of it!
The next day was Logan's actual birthday. We went to a movie in the morning and then Grandma Webber came to help celebrate. We went to dinner at Carraba's so Logan could have spaghetti - his favorite! They brought him this yummy birthday treat and he was in heaven! He said "This is a great birthday!" Afterwards, we opened gifts at home, although I think he was a little too tired to care! We had made him a birthday cake, so we let him blow out the candles, but he didn't get to eat any since he had already eaten all of cake at the restaurant! Logan did get some fun presents - We got him a baseball mitt since he has been using an oven mitt for one around the house...a little ghetto!...and a Backyardigans movie. He also got a ball and bat and a Mr Potato Head.

Logan and his presents!

The whole fam!

That weekend, we also had a little get together with a few Vegas friends. It was a tight squeeze in our condo, but was still fun. I decided I wanted to make this Backyardigans Birthday cake that I saw online, but it turned into quite a project - Each of these little characters was a different kind of cookie. We had to heat up the frosting and then pour it over each cookie and let it set. The hardest part was mixing all the different frosting colors! Darren will deny it, but he actually got really into it! It was kind of fun, but just took a LONG time..about 4 hours..and of course didn't turn out as well as I hoped! The party was a great time though...even if our burgers fell apart all over the grill! Logan got a few more great presents including his own football jersey and a set of golf clubs that may prove to be quite deadly - You should see this kid swing! He didn't even want to stop for cake - He was pretty upset that we made him blow out the candle. He had his own little cake, a Pablo, but that may not have been the best idea...The blue frosting was quite a mess and he ended up looking like a smurf...not that he has any idea what that is! It was a fun and exhausting birthday!!!

Logan opening his golf clubs!

He really did have a Happy Birthday...He just didn't want to give up on the golfing for cake....

What a mess!

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