Friday, September 28, 2007

Show Me A True Blooded Aggie!

One of the highlights of our recent trip to Utah was visiting Cache Valley! It is one of our favorite places in the whole world! It is such a change from CRAZY Las Vegas! We really enjoy the slower change of pace there and the family friendly community! We were able to stay with some good friends (Thanks Robb and Carlie!) They have a little girl named Olivia and her and Logan had fun together. We also visited my little sister, Vanessa, who has also decided to follow in our footsteps and become an Aggie and we are so proud of her for that! It was fun to visit her dorm and reminisce a little about our Aggie days - She is actually living where Darren lived as a Freshman, so it was a little Dejavu for him. We also got some Aggie Ice Cream, which makes it worth the trip right there!
We also had a BBQ with our friends the Olson's and it was really fun to visit with them. They have a baby about the same age as Rylee so it was fun to watch them together.
The main reason that we went to Logan was for Darren to interview with a few dentists there. Darren will be graduating in May, so we are starting to look for what we are going to do afterwards. Cache Valley is our number one choice of places to live, and his interviews went very well, so we are hoping that something works out because we would love to end up there! One of the interviews was very promising and we are keeping our fingers crossed that it works out.
We spent a lot of our time driving around looking at neighborhoods and areas and we got really excited about going back there. We drove by one Elementary School as it was letting out for the day, and all these kids were riding their bikes home and it was so cute. It was like rewinding 20 years or something...I loved it!
We also visited the Willow Park Zoo, which is another fun place we love. It really isn't too much of a zoo. There are not too many animals, but it was a fun place to visit and let Logan get his wiggles out!
By far, the highlight of the weekend was going to the Utah State-UNLV football game. We consider ourselves pretty die hard Utah State fans - It is a little hard during football season because they just aren't that good. However, Logan was SO excited to see the Aggies play in person! We went with our friends Robb and Carlie, and Dean and Jenn who drove all the way up to Heber. Unfortunately, Utah State lost in the last few minutes....What else is new?....but we still had a great time! Logan was in heaven! When we arrived, he said, "Wow Mom! Look at that football staduim!" and all during the game he loved cheering and yelling! He has even learned the fight song and the Scottsman! He has talked about going to see the Aggies ever since and sings the fight song all around the house and says "Show me a True Blooded Aggie" and "It's Another Aggie...FIRST DOWN!" and "Let's Go Aggies!" It is so funny! I think we have another little Aggie in the making! He also had fun with his little friends Drew and Olivia. Rylee was really good the whole game. The noise didn't even bother her (Logan would have been freaking when he was a baby) and she even fell asleep right in the middle of the game! Probably Logan's most exciting moment though was on our way back to our car afterwards when he got to meet Big Blue, the Aggie Mascot! He was so excited to have his picture taken with him! We loved our trip and hope to return soon....maybe even for good!

Logan and Big Blue

Logan cheering on the Aggies

Rylee at the game
Rylee slept through all the action!Little Aggies - Olivia, Drew and Logan

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