Friday, September 7, 2007

Rylee's 5 Month Photos!

For all of you that know me, you may know that I have a MAJOR addiction to photos-especially of my children, as you can see from my blog,which is for the most part photos! I don't know what it is but I really LOVE pictures and I take a ton of them! It wouldn't be so bad if they could just stay on the camera, but I feel I need to print and frame them all too! Darren really does not understand this addiction, all the time, but he is learning! He always asks why I can't just print a few of the photos, to which I explain that if I don't print a photo, I feel as if I'm rejecting a child or something! I have emotional ties to every picture I take I think!

I also have another addiction, which is having my children's portraits taken! Most mothers seem to dread doing this, but I absolutely love it! I started a potentially dangerous habit with this when Logan was born. I thought it would be fun to take him every month...and it was fun! I loved seeing the changes every month and I managed to keep the purchases between $10-$20 a month (with an occasional splurge) so it didn't make a huge hit on the budget....

Anyhow....I now feel the pressure to continue this trend with Rylee so she does not appear on the Oprah show as the child with no photos....I actually still love doing this, but have been warned that I may not love this with future children (although I still believe that I will like it!) Anyway, while we were in Utah, it was time to take Rylee's 5 month photos, so we went to the Target in Layton. This was one of those months that ended up as a "Splurge!" I took her in her dress that my mom made for my sister's wedding and those turned out cute, but then the photographer had the idea to do some pictures with her blankie and softie...which is always bad because then you end up with WAY too many choices! And of course, they all turned out great! I think Rylee likes having her photo taken as much as I like taking her! She smiled in every single picture! It was so hard to choose! I spent much more than I planned and ended up purchasing the "Smile Station" option so I could have them electronically, which I had never done before. But since I spent so much on pictures, I decided I should share them with the world! So...Here you go! Enjoy Rylee's pictures! We happen to think she is one cute baby!


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Wow, what a cutie! I hate it when that happens that you have more pictures that you want, than you have money. I think it was worth the splurge.

Annie said...

to make a slide show go to and then just put whatever pics you want in there. You can choose the way the pictures appear too. I like having music on my blog to and you can do that there also. If you have ? just give me a call!

Mical said...

Cute picutres! and welcome to the blogging world. It is super fun!!