Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our Trip To Utah, Part I

It has been awhile since our trip to Utah, but I thought I should post some of our pictures since we had such a fun time! We loved being able to spend so much time with our friends and family - We were there for 3 whole weeks, so we had a lot more time than we usually do. We went up for my little sister's wedding and then the day after we spent the day with Darren's whole family at Seven Peaks. We had a great time playing in the water and being with the family. Logan loves to be around his cousins! A big thunderstorm came through so we had to clear the water for awhile, but it ended up passing over pretty quickly and we were able to finish our day. Logan looking so cool in his shades!
Rylee was too little to do much swimming but she had fun hanging out, too.
Logan took a nap on Aunt April's lap. So much swimming tired him out!
The little Princess having a nap
These little babies are only a few weeks apart. Hayden (far left) is the oldest and is about 3 weeks older than Rylee. Liam (middle) is about a month younger than Rylee. It will be fun to see these babies grow up together!
I think Rylee is the biggest and it looks like she wants to eat poor Liam...
Logan playing some ball
Having fun in the wave pool

Darren had to go back to Vegas for school for a week, so I spent some time with my family in Layton. We went to the Park and just hung around. Logan had a great time with his uncles - They definitely keep him entertained! They are also getting to be more interested in Rylee now that she is big enough to play with and responds to them. Logan riding Grandma's horse. Yee-Haw!
Playing at the park with his fun unclesCute kids!
Rylee looking cute at the park
Logan fell asleep watching a movie with Uncle Dean
Logan taking a nap with Uncle Brad - He gets a LOT of attention at Grandma's house!

Darren came back the next weekend and we attended his 10 year high school reunion - Boy do I feel old! I of course, am not that old...I still have 2 years until mine - but still! We were a little nervous about going, but it actually was really fun. The wives all sat at a table and we were having a great time! The night before the reunion we also had a party with all the friends from the reunion with the kids and everything that was also really fun. Sadly, we took no pictures...

We took a trip to Cache Valley the next week for Darren to interview for some jobs. It was really exciting to be up there. We really miss it! I will have to post the rest of our pictures later, because I haven't uploaded them all yet! We were able to see some of our really good friends, too. We love going up there!
Rylee and her new friend Sky - My best friend from college, Summer, had a baby just a couple months older than Rylee. It was fun to see them together.
We went to the park - Rylee loves the swing!!!
Logan and his cute friend Olivia at the Willow Park Zoo. It was so fun to spend time with the Lifferth's. We miss them so much!
Daddy and Rylee walking around the zoo
Feeding the ducks - Logan loves that part!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love the pictures! And the blogging helps to stay in touch. :) The kids are so BIG! We can't believe it! -Heather and Jay