Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My First Post!

So...This is my first experiment with the world of Blogging! I have been wanting to try it out for quite some time, but we only have dial-up, and I just haven't wanted to spend the time. However, I have seen so many fun blogs that friends have done, I have decided to give this a shot...especially as we are visiting family that has wireless internet!
Anyway....Since this is my VERY first attempt, I am not too sure of what I am doing! (Any advice is appreciated....) I wasn't too sure where to start, so I decided to post our photos from our family vacation this summer since we had so much fun on the trip. I took over 300 photos, and it is hard for me to narrow it down, so I posted a lot of photos!

We went with Darren's entire family, which means there were 31 of us! We went to the Wild Animal Park, the beach, spent some time at the pool and of course, the highlight was Disneyland! I was pretty nervous going there with 2 little kids, but it was a blast! Logan still wakes up most mornings talking about Disneyland and seeing Mickey and Goofy and his favorite, Buzz Lightyear. He also loved the rides and goes on and on about riding Pirates and Peter Pan and riding Buzz and shooting Zurg. He loved the fireworks, too and seeing Tinkerbell come down. (He couldn't understand where she was on the 4th of July for those fireworks!) I can't believe the memory he has....For all those that say he is too young to appreciate Disneyland, I totally disagree! He had the time of his life!

Rylee was so good, too! I was so worried about a 2 month old at Disneyland, but she was great! She loved seeing all the people and lights and everything and was no problem at all! We all loved our trip!

Here are some of our favorite pictures....There are a lot!

My Beach Babies!
Logan loved "Tiki Beach" - That is what they call the Beach on the Backyardigans....Logan's FAVORITE show! He also loved digging in the sand and sang the little song from the Backyardigans Pirate episode about digging for buried treasure! It was so cute!

Logan's big highlight was meeting Buzz Lightyear! He LOVES him as you can tell from these pictures!
My highlight was meeting Belle and having Rylee meet her first Princess!
Logan chased this Goofy down the street yelling "Goofy! Come Back!" It was pretty funny!

There weren't as many photos of Rylee as Logan - So here is one just to prove she came on the trip!

Logan was so excited to meet Mickey Mouse! He ran right up and hugged him. I thought he would be a little afraid, but he was just excited - He still talks about visiting Mickey's house.
The traditional Castle photo.
Here are all of us at Goofy's Kitchen. We LOVE eating here! It is always one of our very favorite parts of the Disney trip! It is so much fun for the kids to see all of the characters and they have such yummy food.

Logan at Downtown Disney - I thought this was a pretty funny pose!
On the train at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Logan loved seeing all the animals and had a great time there. He especially loved the petting zoo and we had a hard time getting him to leave!
Logan and Darren watching the Elephants!
All of us waiting for the parade to start at Disneyland!


Jenn said...

It's looking very nice, That is a lot of work to put in all those photos! I love the one of Logan and his very blue cake.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Yeah, Brooke, congratulations, it is so fun to see all of your pictures. Blogging is very addictive. Good luck and I look forward to all the posts I know you are going to make.

Anonymous said...

This is so amazing! Thanks for sharing Brooke. It's so fun to get updates and your family is beautiful!