Wednesday, March 30, 2011

FOUR years ago...

Yesterday (March 29), at exactly 7:39 am, I snuck into my room and took a picture of my Rylee....
There is not much sweeter than a sleeping child! I know every mom says this, but I can not believe that EXACTLY 4 years ago, at 7:39 my Rylee looked like this...
My sweet brand new baby!!! Time goes way too fast! My Rylee is growing up!
I was trying to find a really cute recent picture of Rylee, but most of my really recent pictures of her are not the best.... So, just for fun, here are the FOUR most recent pictures of her on my camera - totally random, but oh, so Rylee!
Dancing and spinning with her friends Libby and Shelby on our visit to Boise last weekend
Wearing 3 different dressup dresses - She loves to make a fashion statement!
This is an outfit that she put together herself and told me she was Queen Amadala....not sure where that came from, but I love it! She has such the imagination! I love the too small dress from the dressups, the Ariel wig for her Build-a-Bear and the random gun of Logan's.
Ice Skating

At our house, birthdays are a pretty big deal. We have celebrated like crazy the past 2 days! I have so much stuff to post, but it will have to wait for a bit. Here are just a few highlights.... I think our Princess Rylee had pretty much the perfect day!
It started with a NEW birthday dress (she loves clothes!!!) and watching some Dora while mom got ready. A Birthday episode even! And she didn't even have to do her chores first! (No chores on your birthday...)
Then, we went and got her FAVORITE breakfast with some of her FAVORITE people! She adores Gracie and Jill and the twins and were so happy they could come to Village Inn (oh...and me and Logan and Avery, too) for chocolate chip pancakes - her favorite breakfast.
Then, she got her nails done at a REAL nail place and they even painted a flower on for her! It was just her and Mom. She LOVED it!
She shares a birthday with one of her BEST friends, Madi, so she went to her party next. It was a Tangled theme and Ry and so much fun with Madi and Allie!
And then opening presents - She LOVED that and was so excited when she saw them when she came home from the party!
Then, she picked a place to eat at for dinner. She loves to eat out and she picked Texas Roadhouse just so she could sit in the birthday saddle! She was loving it!
And then it was time for a little cake and ice cream...
She got her cake and got to eat it, too! It was such a fun and special day!
And she even got to stay up a little late... Her and Logan were playing away so cute I didn't have the heart to make them stop and go to bed! I have no idea how you combine the worlds of Star Wars and Strawberry Shortcake, but they did and were having so much fun! I LOVE it when that happens!

And today, she had a fabulous party with her little friends and loved that, too (that post will be coming someday...) and we still have one more party to go!

It really makes me both happy and sad on my kids' birthdays! I love all the celebrating that goes along with it, but I hate how fast they grow up! Especially my Rylee - She seems like she is already going on 16. She loves clothes and seems to already notice boys and talk about getting married and all those things that I think should be reserved until at least the age of 13! I love how much she is growing and learning, but it is still hard to let go of those baby stages, at least for me. Soon, she will be off to preschool (if she can be potty trained by then....) and that just seems crazy to me!

I will be doing a big post about Ry at 4 and all her favorites and things about her later, but right now I am exhausted from all our partying. For now, here are FOUR totally random things I LOVE about my Rylee.

1 - At bedtime lately, she has been asking me to sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer or the Pickle song from Little Rascals (I've got 2 pickles, I've got 2 pickles...) I love it! And I love the little "Blu-ra-lu-ra-lu" that she adds as I sing her Good Night Sweetheart every night!

2 - All around the house, I will find things carefully placed into little lines, and I will know that Rylee has been there. She is not really a neat person...her room is always a mess! But, she loves to have things grouped and placed into a line. It is so funny - She is always lining up everything!

3- Rylee has the BEST imagination! I love listening to the stories she makes up as she reads and to all the fun things she plays with Logan - Princesses and Knights, House, Camping, Disneyland, Star Wars, Little Rascals, School, or sometimes a really funny combination of things.

4 - Ry gives the BEST hugs! She loves people and is always talking about her friends and even if they aren't here, she will pretend they are. She is so social and notices so much about people. And she never wants anyone to be sad or disappointed. If you want something from Rylee, you just pretend to cry, and she can't resist, she will do whatever it takes to make it all better. I love that about her!

I could go on and on...but I'll save it for another post...

Happy Birthday Rylee! We LOVE our little Princess!!!


bladenfamily said...

What a cute girl. Hope her day was great!

Karmann said...

I cant believe it has been 4 years since I visited you in the hospital with Robbin! Craziness! She is so beautiful and so grown up! Glad she had such a great birthday! love ya!

Clark Family said...

Happy Birthday Rylee!! You are such a sweet girl!! We love you!!! She looks so darling in her cute birthday dress!:)