Friday, March 18, 2011

In Stitches...

We have now had our first experience with stitches! Last week (Mar 6), we went to a friend's baby blessing. Afterwards, we went to their house for a little brunch, and all the kids were playing downstairs. I kept Avery upstairs for quite awhile because I wasn't sure about her being down there with all the big kids, but she kept trying to go down and was getting mad at me, so against my better judgement, I let her go downstairs. Just a few minutes later, one of the bigger girls came upstairs carrying Avery. She was crying and had blood all over her face! I took her, but at the sight of all the blood, immediately handed her off to Darren... He does MUCH better with that stuff than me. If you know me well, you know that I can not even walk into a hospital without almost (or sometimes actually) passing out, and that is NOT an exaggeration! I don't do well with blood or needles or any of that stuff...especially on my own baby! Darren started cleaning her up and told me that it was really deep and might need stitches!!! I was SO afraid! We tried to get the bleeding to stop, but it was on the corner of her mouth and every time she opened her mouth, it reopened the cut. It wasn't very big, just deep! So, we headed to the Instacare.

In the meantime, we discovered that the reason she was bleeding was because Logan had run her over with a scooter. When I questioned him, he said that she "got in his way". I was pretty upset with him because he didn't really seem that bothered by it or sorry, so I might have made him feel a little too bad and told him Avery had to go the hospital and might have a scar on her face for the rest of her life. We decided to take Avery and leave the other kids there and as we were leaving, Logan came up and asked Darren if Avery was going to die... Oops... Might have been a little too dramatic!

We got to the Instacare and waited for almost an hour. Avery was being so good and playing so cute and looking at all the books and stuff and I felt so bad for what we were about to do to her! When they took her back, they had Dr looked at it and said she wanted to do super glue because it wasn't very big, but didn't think it would hold because of the location. She had another dr come in (I think she was new which made me a little nervous since she was working on Avery's face!) and they decided to just do one stitch. They didn't give her a shot to numb it because they said it would be worse than the stitch itself, but they put some topical stuff on to numb it that way. They swaddled her up really tight and Darren held her head. I had to leave the room. I don't do any of it well and I didn't want to end up passed out on the floor...which wouldn't be the first time! I did have to have stitches once and it wasn't pretty! I was boating with some of my friends right after high school and when I got back in the boat, I somehow brushed against the propeller and cut my shin. It didn't hurt. I actually didn't even know it happened, but when I got out of the water there was a lot of blood. My friends (who were guys...) decided it would be fine to keep skiing. They fixed me up with toilet paper and duct tape because that is what we had in the boat and kept on skiing and even tried to get me to ski some more. When I got home, my mom said it needed stitches - I think I needed 6. I was freaked and and the Dr had to have the table totally reclined so I could get blood to my head and I had washcloths on me and I almost passed out twice when it was over... That is why I couldn't stay in the room! I cried out in the hallway until it was done. Darren said she did great! She was very brave - More than her mom!!! She cried a lot, but when they were done, they gave her a sucker and she was just fine! She will go through anything for a sucker!!!

When we got back to our friend's house, Logan was so happy to see Avery. He was really worried about her and it was so cute. He gave Darren a big hug and said, "Thank you for saving her life!" Once again, a little dramatic, but I think he will be more careful on the scooter next time!
Here is our sweet little girl after stitches! We had to keep a bandaid on because she kept picking at the stitch and I was worried she might pull it out. I didn't have my camera with me when we went to the Instacare and both of our phones were dead, so there are no before stitches pictures...
Here is one without the bandaid so you can kind of see the stitch...It was really hard to get a good picture of it! It is in a horrible place to keep clean because of where it is! My brother's kept making jokes about her looking like the Joker because of where it was - NOT funny!!!
Avery had the stitch in for 5 days and then Daddy took it out at his office. It is still pretty noticable and closing up, but is looking better everday! I am hoping it won't scar!

She is a cute little stinker, isn't she??? We have survived another first! And this is one I wish we didn't have to go through!

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